(Archived and no longer updated, updated Sept 12 2020)
Helping your neighbours
Nova Scotians are pulling together and helping make sure friends and neighbours are safe and supported. It is important that we help each other as we are able, especially considering the elderly and housebound.
There are a great number of folks doing different things to help their neighbours:
- Tina yeonju oh is organizing as a helpmate for her neighbours
- Caremongers Hfx is a Facebook group that is connecting people and communities in need with resources
- Jonathan Randall of Dublin, Ireland created this map that connects those that can give help to those that need help.
- New Life Community Church in Prospect has set up an "errand squad" (see image above).
We are going to get through this by working together and supporting one another. Please email or message me what you see happening in your community so I can share the good news!
Support Local Food Banks
All of our not for profit service providers are struggling at this time, but of particular concern to me are the food banks. If you are able, I encourage you to consider a donation to Feed Nova Scotia or Parker Street Food bank so they are able to continue to do their important work.
Parker Street – https://www.parkerstreet.org/
FEED NS – https://www.feednovascotia.ca/
Nova Scotia’s healthcare heroes
Nova Scotia’s healthcare heroes are showing extraordinary care and commitment under unprecedented circumstances and many businesses are showing up as ‘helpers’ with offerings to make life a little easier for them during the COVID-19 pandemic. To amplify these neighbourly and generous offerings, Partners for Care (PFC) is launching a website that lists the various services and products that are convenient, discounted or free for our healthcare workers across Nova Scotia. Businesses with offerings are asked to email partnersforcare@nshealth.ca with their business name, contact information (phone and email), a brief description of their offering, and how the healthcare hero can redeem their offer (e.g. website link, code, showing NSHA ID badge, etc.)
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