Expenses to March 2013

A quick update.  Three new PDFs are in my expense folder online.

One is for $49.63 in travel in December that I had misplaced.  Thanks to my admin Lynn for finding it so we could post it.

One if for the CSA work boots I mentioned in my last post …

HRM Budget 2013/14 now online


UPDATE: the HRM budget was passed April 30.  The passed version is online now.

The proposed HRM operating and project (capital) budgets for 2013/14 are now online.  A change book showing the last two years expenses (line by line) and proposed budget for this year is also online.

On the …

District 7 Newsletter #1, April 14 2013, inaugural edition!

Dear Residents and Friends,

This is my first email update since the election. If you received this email in error, please accept my apology, and unsubscribe by clicking here. If you have moved since the election or otherwise want to update your contact information click here. (web readers, you …