Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
Progressive Ideas: My plan for the next four years | Campaign 2016
Progressive Ideas: My plan for the next four years | Campaign 2016

Progressive Ideas: My plan for the next four years | Campaign 2016

On October 15, 2016 I was elected as Councillor for District 7 Halifax South Downtown.  Once again, as I did in 2012, I’ve archived the campaign site here on my blog, so that all my web material is all in one place.  Below was the top page of promises, that drills down to more detailed policy proposals.


wmargyleIn 2012 the residents of District 7 voted for change and together we’ve made great progress. Council has been reformed, government spending has been curbed, and Halifax’s programs and services better reflect the values and priorities that matter most to you.

I am proud of what I’ve achieved the last four years, and I know many of my neighbours feel the same way.  You can read their endorsements here.

When I was elected four years ago I had made 30 promises. I’ve kept every single one of them, with 22 complete and the remaining eight are underway. You can read about these progressive result here.

This election I’ve made 30 new promises, that focus on our neighbourhood priorities, supports stronger communities, and builds a better HRM.   I’ve written policy blogs about these progressive ideas here:

Neighbourhood priorities

  1. Housing affordability a critical issue for HRM and District 7
  2. Protecting our homes and neighbourhoods in District 7
  3. Continuing to renew our aging parks and rec infrastructure

Support stronger communities

  1. Safer streets for everyone in HRM
  2. Let’s Make Halifax a place that young people rave about!
  3. Better tax plan for people and business

Build a better HRM

  1. Becoming one of the most accessible communities in Canada
  2. It’s time to expand our rapid transit network
  3. Supporting arts, culture and community in District 7 & HRM
  4. Campaign Finance reform and building trust

Now is the time to build on our success, to make sure our community continues to move forward.

I need your vote to continue to deliver progressive ideas for Halifax.

On October 15, vote to re-elect Waye Mason – Progressive Ideas: Proven Results