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Housing Update #5
Housing Update #5

Housing Update #5

Pictured – New Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre Shelter on College Under Construction

What’s Happened Since the Last Update

Modular update – With 24 of the 26 rooms at the Dartmouth site now completed, HRM has shifted focus to completing the Halifax modular unit site. This site will be able to accommodate 38 individuals, based on single occupancy.  Site preparation is underway.
The timing of the opening of the Halifax site is dependent upon the Province, which is responsible for determining placement of individuals and providing wrap-around services onsite through its service provider.

I’ve decided not to hold a community meeting around the Halifax modulars until an operating agreement is in place.

Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI) projects announced – HRM has been working with community partners to help those service agencies access Federal funding under the RHI program. selected these two projects which will bring 20 new affordable housing units to the community.

Global news reported “A hotel in Dartmouth is being converted into a housing project for homeless adults, including those who struggle with addictions and people just released from hospital.
Federal, provincial and municipal politicians announced funding Thursday to house 65 people at a converted Travelodge hotel — to be renamed The Overlook — that’s expected to open later this year.”

I’m hearing end of March. More here –

Two other projects were announced this week.  The first project, operated by Akoma on Main Street in Dartmouth, will provide eight residential units, while the second one, Souls Harbour will provide 12 in West Chezzetcook. These housing units will support those who are in uncertain housing situations, experiencing or at risk of homelessness, or living in temporary shelters because of the pandemic.  More here –

All told this second round of project will bring a total of 85 new affordable housing units to the community.  The first RHI round funded 52 units of shelter type housing.

HRM has been providing regular updates the last couple of months, in addition to the monthly information reports that had been provided to Council as a part of our public agenda.  You can find these updates here:

Other Items

Next Steps

  • These updates will continue every 4-8 weeks for the foreseeable future
  • Overlook and Halifax modulars should be open in March
  • Report on Rental Registration is expected to be debated at Council mid-February.
  • The municipality is working toward some kind of MOU to clarify Provincial and HRM roles and responsibilities with regards to shelters and warming centres.

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  1. Pingback: African Nova Scotian Heritage Month, Budget 22/23 & how tax increases are calculated, HalifACT, residential solar, snow removal issues, more. – Waye Mason

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