Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
District 7 Update – Camp Hill Cemetery fence restoration, Windsor St Exchange, parking on Citadel Hill, more
District 7 Update – Camp Hill Cemetery fence restoration, Windsor St Exchange, parking on Citadel Hill, more

District 7 Update – Camp Hill Cemetery fence restoration, Windsor St Exchange, parking on Citadel Hill, more

In this issue

My Council Update includes info on the Camp Hill Cemetery fence restoration work, Historic Properties, Windsor Street Exchange, tax relief for NFPs, transit changes during cogswell work, burn ban, parking on Citadel Hill.

Public Engagement section shows Council and Budget meetings.  Roadworks info has been updated and Community Events & Information includes some big upcoming summer events and other good stuff.

Councillor Update

Hi folks,

I’m running for Mayor.
While I am running for Mayor of Halifax, I continue to be the Councillor for District 7 until October 19. I have not copied this district mailing list into the Mayor mailing list, so if you are not getting updates and info, please visit and sign up!

Camp Hill Cemetery Jubilee Fence Rehabilitation
The work underway right now is to put a retaining wall along the Jubilee or North side of Camp Hill, so that the dirt and grass aren’t growing through and around the historic fence. The fence has been removed so that it can have concrete bases installed as you see to the west along Jubilee.  The fence will be cleaned, mended and powder coated and bolted back into place.  The path along the inside of the fence will be restored.  During construction, once the work is done and they are waiting for the fence to come back, the temporary fence will be pushed back and the sidewalk will be open.  An archaeologist has been monitoring the excavation.  I have asked that the northern gate to Camp Hill be unlocked in the future.

Historic properties
There was an internet rumour that historic properties were being demolished, this is not true.  Historic Properties is owned by HRM and has a long-term lease with Armour Group who operate it.

  • There have been no applications, permits, or plans submitted to HRM for any alterations to the buildings at Historic Properties, therefore changes including any form of demolition are not e imminent.
  • The only approved plans for the property are for public space enhancements as part of the land lease extension approved by Council several years ago, which enhancements have a specified timeframe which the owner is working to meet in the coming year.
  • Council is aware of applications to other levels of government to enhance the wharf structures in the North Boardwalk area including Historic Properties to guard against potential sea water rise.  Depending on the nature of these applications and the final plans, modifications or full re-development of the Salty’s building and the former Cows building may be required to facilitate the wharf work.
  • Several of the buildings on the site are federally registered as National Historic Properties which would make any serious alternation of them almost impossible
  • All the work being contemplated for Historic Properties is intended to enhance, preserve, and revitalize the site including the Heritage structures.  There are no intentions to alter the heritage structures with this revitalization.

Windsor Street Exchange
Council approved moving the Windsor Street Exchange redesign to a detailed design yesterday. This is a $90 million dollar project with about 1/3 coming from other orders of government.  WSE caries 110,000 cars a day and is a critical piece of infrastructure that needs upgrading to better serve the port of Halifax, to protect vulnerable road users who are walking and cycling, and has bus priority to support transit now and future bus rapid transit.

The number one reason people take or don’t take transit is because of frequency, and reliability.  Our bus system struggles to be on time and reliable at peak hours because the buses are trapped in traffic with cars.  If we want buses that are on time, we need more bus lanes, especially at key bottlenecks like this.

I was pleased Council supported my motion to amend the approach to the Windsor Street Exchange project to include the following considerations during the design-build phase II:

  1. active transportation facility options, prioritizing AAA connections from the approved Bedford Highway functional plan to the potential Africville Road MUP extension from the future Barrington greenway, recognizing some work is out of scope and would be built during the Bedford Highway project and other future projects;
  2. inclusion of bus lanes to support the future Green Line of the Bus Rapid Transit plan through Windsor Street Exchange connecting Joe Howe Drive to Massachusetts Ave;
  3. demonstrate future proofing at the northern extreme of the Windsor Street Exchange project to allow for bike and pedestrian connections to any future MacKay Bridge project;
  4. requesting the Mayor write the relevant Federal Ministers regarding an extension to accommodate these changes, and; Provide an analysis of what increased vehicle traffic capacity will mean on mode share given induced demand.
  5. Victoria Park, Meagher Park, Grand Parade Rehabilitation

Redesign of the municipality’s Tax Relief to Non-Profit Organizations Program
A redesign of the municipality’s Tax Relief to Non-Profit Organizations Program was approved by Regional Council on April 23, 2024 and Administrative Order 2024-001-ADM is now in effect. Under the new program policy, the level of tax relief for non-profit organizations will increase or decrease for organizations already in the program and new applicants. Communication packages have been sent by mail to current program participants with a Request for Review form.

For organizations whose property may qualify for tax relief under another schedule, a request for review must be submitted on or before Tuesday, July 2, 2024. The program web page ( has been updated with redesign information, new program FAQs and the fillable review forms for current program participants.

Transit Changes Due to Cogswell Work
Beginning on June 17 and will continue for approximately six months crews will be realigning and regrading Barrington Street, installing underground services and building a new Halifax Transit hub. Crews will also remove the last overpass of the former Cogswell Interchange, marking another major project milestone.

Halifax Transit users will be significantly impacted as the four bus bays in front of Scotia Square will be relocated. As a result, 30 routes passing through Barrington Street and the surrounding area will be rerouted.  You can find the map where the new stops will be located here.

It is anticipated the new Halifax Transit hub on Barrington Street will open by the end of the year and will include new heated shelters, additional seating space, wider sidewalks and layover space for passengers and buses. The new permanent Cogswell Street from Brunswick Street to Upper Water Street is expected to open, replacing the overpass that was previously demolished. Additionally, it is projected the new permanent Barrington Street from the roundabout at Nora Bernard Street and Barrington Street to Duke Street will open, including access to Valour Way. For more information on the service disruptions, visit our website or contact 311. For project updates, visit

Burn Ban

Check before you burn! March 15 through October 15 is wildfire risk reason. Help reduce wildfire risk by following all considerations within the municipality’s Open Air Burning By-Law and reviewing provincial restrictions. For more information, visit

Parking on Citadel Hill
I am sad to let you know that Parks Canada has approved the Province of Nova Scotia’s request to expand the parking lot near the Garrison Grounds at Halifax Citadel National Historic Site in support of healthcare initiatives in Nova Scotia.  It is disappointing our Federal representatives let this happen.  I’ve opposed it from the first trial balloon – the whole reason the unfortunate multistory parking garage was added to the plan just a few years ago was it was supposed to provide adequate parking while the Robie Street garage was removed and the new building built on Robie.

GMF Council This Week
I’m going to be heading to Ottawa this evening for Green Municipal Fund Council meetings until Friday afternoon, then I am going to visit my 97-year-old Nan on Saturday near Kingston.  I’ll be back Saturday night.  I’ll have limited access to email during this time.

Be kind, be patient, and take care,


Public Meetings, Hearings & Engagement

Halifax Regional Council – Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers or Virtual.
If you want to read reports coming to Regional Council (posted mid-day Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting) or to check the agenda. Upcoming meetings:

  • Tuesday July 9, 10 am
  • Tuesday August 6, 10 am

Agendas here:

Halifax & West Community Council – Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
Community Council meets on Tuesday evenings alternating with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations, and times.

  • Monday, July 16 6pm (if required)

Agenda here –

Regional Centre Community Council – Harbour East Marine Drive Room, Alderney Landing
Community Council meets on Tuesday evenings alternating with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations, and times.

  • Wednesday June 26 6pm (if required)
  • Wednesday July 24 6pm (if required)

Agenda here –

Information about how to watch or participate in virtual meetings can be found on the agenda pages. Please confirm meeting dates and times on our website as dates and times are subject to change.

Roadworks Update

You can find out road closure details on the HRM Roadworks map:

  • CUNARD ST from WINDSOR ST to ROBIE ST, starting on 2024-06-22
  • BARRINGTON ST from BLOWERS ST to SACKVILLE ST, starting on 2024-06-18
  • SOUTH ST from ROBIE ST to EDWARD ST, starting on 2024-06-18
  • WELLINGTON ST from SOUTH ST to INGLIS ST, starting on 2024-06-13
  • MAYNARD ST from NORA BERNARD ST to CUNARD ST, starting on 2024-06-09
  • CREIGHTON ST from NORTH ST to BUDDY DAYE ST, starting on 2024-06-06
  • BUDDY DAYE ST from GOTTINGEN ST to MAYNARD ST, starting on 2024-06-09
  • CREIGHTON ST from CHARLES ST to CUNARD ST, starting on 2024-06-09
  • NORA BERNARD ST from GOTTINGEN ST to NORTH PARK ST, starting on 2024-06-09
  • BARRINGTON ST from INGLIS ST to END, starting on 2024-06-04
  • BARRINGTON ST from NORA BERNARD ST to DUKE ST, starting on 2024-06-07
  • CHEBUCTO RD from DUBLIN ST to WINDSOR ST, starting on 2024-06-03
  • BEECH ST from CHEBUCTO RD to JUBILEE RD, starting on 2024-06-03

Cogswell Construction Project Important Update
Beginning June 17, Barrington Street, from Upper Water Street to Duke Street, will be closed to accommodate construction in support of the Cogswell District project for approximately six months. This is a major closure that will impact drivers, Halifax Transit, pedestrians, cyclists and access to abutting properties. The closure will require the relocation of the Barrington Street bus bays, the rerouting of 30 Halifax Transit routes, and the relocation of lounge/ washroom facilities for Transit Operators.

Map showing Barrington closed from Upper Water to Duke, and Cogswel open from Brunswick to Upper Water.

Halifax Transit users will be significantly impacted as the four bus bays in front of Scotia Square will be relocated. As a result, 30 routes passing through Barrington Street and the surrounding area will be rerouted.  You can find the map where the new stops will be located here.

Barrington Street, from Upper Water Street to Duke Street, will be fully closed. A section of the new Cogswell Street will be temporarily connected to Barrington Street at Upper Water Street, which will allow for the re-opening of Albemarle Street and will reconnect a key east-west corridor downtown.  With the closure of Barrington Street, access to Hotel Halifax will be from a new driveway off Cogswell Street. Access for loading and deliveries has been coordinated with abutting property owners.

It is anticipated the new Halifax Transit hub on Barrington Street will open by the end of the year and will include new heated shelters, additional seating space, wider sidewalks and layover space for passengers and buses. The new permanent Cogswell Street from Brunswick Street to Upper Water Street is expected to open, replacing the overpass that was previously demolished. Additionally, it is projected the new permanent Barrington Street from the roundabout at Nora Bernard Street and Barrington Street to Duke Street will open, including access to Valour Way.

More info at


Community Events and Info

Halifax Common Aquatics Facility open
Open for the 2024 summer season as of Saturday, June 15 | 5838 Cogswell Street

The Halifax Common Aquatic Facility, located at 5838 Cogswell Street, is an integral municipal recreation facility offering a range of community and regional programming. The 350-person capacity pool holds over 60 free public swims weekly during the summer months – while the 75-person capacity multi-purpose room, which includes a kitchenette, and the modular stage provide a versatile space to accommodate a range of programs and events year-round. Over 150,000 users are anticipated to use the facility this summer. For the facility’s schedule, visit our website.

World Refugee Day 
June 20, 2024
World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day shines a light on the rights, needs and dreams of refugees, helping to mobilize political will and resources so refugees can not only survive but also thrive. While it is important to protect and improve the lives of refugees every single day, international days like World Refugee Day help to focus global attention on the plight of those fleeing conflict or persecution. View the United Nations Refugee Agency resource, Are Refugees Good for Canada: A Look at Canadian Refugee Integration, to learn more about how refugees integrate and contribute to Canadian society and the economy. Look out for more municipal events and announcements coming soon to acknowledge this day.

Public Gardens Summer Programming
Various Dates and times | Halifax Public Gardens

The annual summer programming for the Public Gardens resumes this month, with Sunday concerts, Country in the City on Thursday, and much more.   This includes the Friends of the Public Gardens 40th anniversary event taking place this Saturday, 1-3pm, in the Gardens (see graphic below).  I am sorry to say I don’t return from Ottawa until that evening so I will miss it!  For more info visit


Dartmouth Festival Series
Starting June 21

The free annual event series begins on Friday, June 21 at the Dartmouth Ferry Terminal and will include weekly free concerts and entertainment until Saturday, August 10. Collaborations with community event makers will bring together a diverse mix of sounds – including urban, gospel, classic rock, blues, country, acoustic and more. Children and youth entertainment will include the Mother Goose Festival, a Halifax Jazz Festival showcase and multicultural celebrations. The event listings for each weekend of programming can be found at with Refugees 2024
Sunday June 23 2-4pm | Meet at the Immigrant Statue 1215 Marginal Road

The Walk with Refugees for a Stronger Canada event is making a return on Sunday, June 23 in Halifax from 2 to 4 p.m. Bring your family and friends, wear yellow, and bring noisemakers! This event is an opportunity for New Canadians, and those born in Canada, to come together and learn from each other. This walk will also show our city’s support in welcoming more refugees to Nova Scotia and give them a platform to share their voices. The walk is free to attend and open to all. Participants are asked to gather at the Emigrant Statue by the roundabout next to the Halifax Port Authority. Everyone will walk along the Halifax boardwalk until they reach the Maritime Museum to enjoy some activities, information booths, and remarks.

Community engagement opportunity for the Cogswell Storytelling Engagement Program
Tuesday June 25 6-8pm | Halifax North Memorial Library 2285 Gottingen Street

The Halifax Regional Municipality invites residents to help guide the municipality’s approach to storytelling, public art and commemoration in the Cogswell District. The Cogswell Storytelling Engagement Program is an integral part of the Cogswell District project, as it will help identify the stories and histories of Indigenous, Mi’kmaw, and African Nova Scotian/African Descent communities that should be told in the area. Regional Council directed staff to engage these communities to recognize their lived history and unique ties to the Cogswell area.   The session will be facilitated by Ignite Consulting (DeRico Symonds & Kate MacDonald) This session will explore storytelling opportunities that are of importance to African Nova Scotian residents and community partners. Additional opportunities (including in-person, virtual and written) to engage African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaw communities will be held through September. Participation from all residents is also welcome. For more information, visit our website.

Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo
June 28-July 1, 2022 | Scotiabank Centre
The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo is the world’s largest annual indoor show and features bagpipes, highland dancers, and military traditions as well as modern acts including acrobatics, contemporary dancing, and trampoline routines. There is truly something for everyone at this family-friendly event. For more information and tickets, please visit

KANA’TA: Canada Day 2024

July 1, 2024 | Various Locations
Join us for KANA’TA: Canada Day 2024 celebrations on Monday, July 1, 2024. This re-envisioned format for Canada Day offers a variety of new and refreshed cultural, musical, and family-oriented events to enjoy. Developed in close collaboration with Indigenous communities, KANA’TA: Canada Day 2024 offers programming that honours the traditions of the Mi’kmaw Nation and celebrates pan-Indigenous communities that call the municipality home. KANA’TA: Canada Day 2024 programming will include the Mawio’mi on the Halifax Waterfront, a Dartmouth Festival Series free concert, a Multi-Stage experience on the Halifax Waterfront featuring multiple genres of music and at night the July 1 Fireworks Show returns! KANA’TA: Canada Day 2024 will partner with The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 to offer free admission as well as a daytime block party this year. The Halifax Citadel National Historic site will also offer free admission on Monday, July 1 as well!

Natal Day Parade Registration Open

Registration has opened for participants in the annual Natal Day parade. The 127th Pepsi Natal Day Parade will take place on Monday, August 5 at 10 a.m. This annual event attracts hundreds of residents and is a key piece of the municipality’s annual Natal Day programming. For more information, visit:

Ride With Me: Help paint the street event
Saturday, July 6 | 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. (rain date: July 7) Creighton/Nora Bernard | Maynard/Nora Bernard | Creighton/Cogswell

Residents are invited to help paint the curb extensions at six intersections along Creighton St. and Maynard St. The designs were created by students at Joe Howe Elementary School who worked with three local artists: Elyse Moir, Vanessa Thomas and Holly Carr. This street painting project is made possible by a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies as part of their Asphalt Art Initiative.
Halifax Pride Festival
July 18-28 2024 | Various locations around HRM
July means it’s the Halifax Pride Festival! Everyone is invited to come out and experience the variety of colourful shows and events happening in Downtown Halifax! The Halifax Pride Festival is Canada’s fourth largest Pride Festival and is a celebration highlighting the unique character of our diverse community. The Pride Parade will take place Saturday July 20th from 10 am and please note is taking a new route (Visit to view the new parade route for 2024)  For a full list of events, please visit or call 902-431-1194

Natal Day 2023
August 5, 2024 (parade starts 10am) | Halifax Regional Municipality

Mark your calendars for Natal Day! Registration is now open for participants in the annual Natal Day parade! As part of the municipality’s Natal Day weekend programming, residents are invited to participate in the Halifax-Dartmouth Natal Day parade on Monday, August 5, 2024.  The parade will begin at Novalea Drive in Halifax at 10 a.m. and will conclude at Maple Street in Dartmouth. A maximum of 55 entries will be permitted to participate, so register soon!

Halifax Lancers  Summer 2024 Public Programming
Various Dates and Locations

The Horses of Halifax love their home in our city and want to spend their summer with YOU!  As a non-profit, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience the benefits and joys of horses. For more info:

Candidates Information Sessions
Interested in running in the 2024 Municipal and Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP) Election? You’re invited to attend an upcoming candidate information session. The sessions will take place on the following dates:

  • Mon. August 12 | 6 p.m. | Henry G. Bauld Centre

Learn more here.

The Election Office is Hiring!
The Election Office is currently recruiting for eight full-time, temporary Election Area Officers!
Are you passionate about democracy and eager to play an important role in your community? Join the municipality’s Election Office, where you’ll have the opportunity to play a direct role in ensuring a fair, accessible and efficient 2024 Municipal and Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP) Election. Read the job description and apply here.
More information about the upcoming election can be found by visiting our website.

Community Access Program (CAP)
Starts Feb 12, 2024 | Online Application

Independent Living Nova Scotia’s (ILNS) Community Access Program (CAP) is a 9-week pre-employment program perfect for anyone who is:

  • 18-24 years old
  • Living in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM)
  • Wanting to connect with their community
  • Looking to develop life and employment skills

Those interested can apply for CAP at the following link: or get in touch with program staff at or 902-453-0004.

Service Canada Supports Communities Online
Does someone in your community need help with Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), and more?  Are you or one of your community members a person with a disability or need extra support to get Service Canada benefits and services? Access support online at  Does someone in your community need a Social Insurance Number or confirmation of their SIN? Access help at

How can we help?

311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days a week, Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern to residents. More info here:

Call my office
Call my office for assistance with your municipal issues. Please try 311 first, and when you call the office have your 311 reference number ready. Vicki Palmeter is my Constituency Coordinator. Vicki can be reached by email at or by phone at 902-490-2012.

Call or email me
I’m always available to help residents. Email is always better than a phone call, as I am often in meetings and much of the time I cannot answer the phone. If Victoria or 311 cannot assist you, please email me at or call 902.430.7822.