Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
Waye Mason
About This Site

About This Site

It is time for all the schools that are a part of the Citadel High family of schools to communicate in order to lobby for better schools and better education on behalf of our children.

This feeling has come about as a result of the massive changes proposed to the peninsula by the Halifax Regional School Board’s capital plan, and as a result of the frustrations felt by parents regarding the lack of consultation in creation of this plan.

This website exists to advocate, educate and enhance the quality of education in the Citadel family of schools, through lobbying, outreach, and public consultation.


This site is maintained and operated by concerned parents and residents of the Halifax Peninsula and has does not represent the official position of the Halifax Regional School Board, Citadel High School, or any of the area schools.

Waye Mason keeps the site operational, and a number of parents (Sue, Sarah, Eileen) contribute. Many parents and HRSB and provincial employees keep us in the loop and make sure we know what we need to know.


This website is an archive.  You can always contact Waye if you have any questions.