Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
Waye Mason
District 7 Community Associations

District 7 Community Associations

There are several community groups which work to make our neighbourhoods & district better places.

Park to Park Community Association (between South and Point Pleasant, includes some neighbourhoods in the centre near downtown)
Park to Park is a neighbourhood residents association committed to strengthening and preserving the stability and distinctive character and quality of our neighbourhoods. Consider this destination your go to site for news, and what’s happening in our community. We would love to have you involved …see our contact page if you are interested in volunteering.
More info here

Friends of the Public Gardens
The Friends of the Public Gardens (TFPG) is an incorporated society dedicated to the preservation, enhancement, and protection of the Halifax Public Gardens for the continued enjoyment of everyone.  We count among our members, local and international individuals and businesses who value this unique national treasure.
More information here

Friends of Sable Island
The Friends of Sable Island Society is a non-profit organization whose mission is the long-term preservation of Sable Island.We implement education programs including an annual scholarship, support and promote research mainly through the bi-annual Sable Island Conference, and collect and preserve Sable Island’s rich history.
More information here

Friends of the Halifax Common
Preserving and expanding open space as the population grows is essential.  It is estimated that 15-20 000 additional people will live on the Halifax Peninsula by 2030.  The Common, at the heart of the Peninsula, can continue to provide vital “breathing space” for present and future residents and for those who work and visit here.
More information here

Young Avenue District Heritage Conservation Society
The society works to preserve the character of Young Avenue, one of Halifax’s most unique, historic, and distinctive streetscapes. Young Avenue is the main gateway to Point Pleasant Park and its development was facilitated by a Provincial Act of Legislation in 1896. As a well established neighbourhood, and with its strong heritage connections to many important architects and leaders in government, business, and philanthropy, Young Avenue has a grand and stately presence, popular with residents and tourists. In recent years the large estates have come under development pressure, thereby threatening the stability, character, and fabric of this important streetscape. The National Trust of Canada recently (2017) listed Young Avenue as one of its top 10 most Endangered Historic Places in Canada.
More info here