(Archived and no longer updated, updated Sept 12 2020)
Wash Your Hands - A video by Dave Carroll
Dave writes: As we navigate through these uncharted waters with Covid 19, three simple things we can do to reduce the strain on our ability to cope with this virus are:
- Stay Home
- If you need to go out, keep your distance from others
- Above all else, Wash Your Hands
I enjoy trying to find the humour in the unlikeliest of places and, because my boys are younger, I decided to write a fun song to accompany the Covid 19 hand washing protocol. 20 seconds is all that's required but my song is closer to a minute. Why? It's longer because I'm all about good customer service! It takes time to get to the sink, then wash your hands. After that, are you supposed to dry your hands and walk away alone; in silence? I say "NO"! This song is an end-to-end audio companion to proper hand washing during these troubled times. Please enjoy, and stay safe. We will get through this.
Children & anxiety in the time of COVID-10
Submitted by a neighbour "I'm a child psychologist and live in your constituency actually - just read your update/newsletter this AM and saw you included stuff on kids and thought you'd maybe share this article I co-wrote with another psychologist in Calgary re: COVID19 and kids/anxiety" https://anxietycanada.com/articles/talking-to-kids-about-covid-19/
How to talk to kids about the coronavirus outbreak
The Guardian has this great article - 'No, we aren't all going to die': experts on how to talk to kids about coronavirus
Pandemic Pause- activities for home, small groups & outdoors (resource for kids)
Best way to use this group? Search and scroll up & down- content is always being added. That is where I found the screen cap of the interaction on the right!
Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
Kids, this comic is for you. It’s based on a radio story that NPR education reporter Cory Turner did. He asked some experts what kids might want to know about the new coronavirus discovered in China. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/02/28/809580453/just-for-kids-a-comic-exploring-the-new-coronavirus
Zero to Three Tips for Families: Coronavirus
The following resources offer tips for families including age-appropriate responses to common questions, a guide to self-care, and activities for young children experiencing social distancing. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/3210-tips-for-families-coronavirus
Playing Out Doors
It is important to get out and move around while maintaining social distancing, but it is also important to keep the kids safe. All playgrounds and parks are closed. When you go outside:
- wash your hands before you leave
- wash your hands when you come home
- wash your mittens afterwards
- avoid touching your face
- practice social distancing (2m away)
- Go with those in your household
- head for a walk together and avoid places where a lot of people may be
- play in your yard
For more tips visit https://novascotiaca/coronvirus/#protect
CBC Kids News
CBC Kids News is real news for real kids. ... for the news, pop culture and sports stories that Canadian kids want to know! Kids News has had extensive video about Coronavirus that could help put kid minds at ease. https://www.cbc.ca/kidsnews//site/search_results/browse_topics/?q=coronavirus&browse=true
Talking to your Child about COVID-19
Watch this complimentary webinar below for tips on how to talk to your child about COVID-19.
Q&A For Kids With Dr Strang
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