Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
Update #2 – Cogswell, Young Ave, swearing in and first meeting of new council.
Update #2 – Cogswell, Young Ave, swearing in and first meeting of new council.

Update #2 – Cogswell, Young Ave, swearing in and first meeting of new council.


District 7 Events- November 2016

Another quick update with a full listing of events and public meetings for November.

Public Meetings & Hearings – here’s what’s included:

  • Public Information Meeting – Cogswell Interchange Redevelopment
  • Nova Scotia and Permanent Residency Immigration Information Session
  • Public Information Meeting – Young Avenue By-Law Amendments
  • Halifax Regional Council: First Meeting of New Council

Community Events and Information – here’s what’s included:

  • Panel Discussion: Precarious U
  • Spur – a national festival of politics, art and ideas
  • Nova Voce: Nova Scotia Provincial Men’s Choir
  • Christmas at the Forum
  • Hal-Con 2016
  • I Remember: Halifax Camerata Singers
  • I Light Halifax Ride and Fundraiser
  • Rogers Hometown Hockey
  • PechaKucha Night
  • Remembrance Day Ceremonies
  • 2017 Volunteer Award Nominations Now Open
  • Nova Scotia Tree for Boston Send-off
  • Meeting: MacDonald Bridge Cycling Access
  • Chronicle Herald Holiday Parade of Lights
  • Halifax Cycling Coalition 9th Birthday Party and 4th Annual Halifax Bike Awards
  • Halifax Christmas Tree Lighting
  • Meeting: South Park Street Bicycle Lane



Public Information Meeting – Cogswell Interchange Redevelopment
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 6-8pm (TONIGHT) | Casino Nova Scotia, Schooner Room
HRM invites all residents to attend an information session to mark the beginning of the detailed design phase of the Cogswell Interchange Redevelopment Project. The evening will include a welcome from the Mayor and an update from the Project Director, John Spinelli. The session will provide attendees with a status update, an overview of where we go from here, and a chance to engage with project staff and key stakeholders on this important city-building initiative. For more information on the Cogswell Interchange Redevelopment Project, visit

Nova Scotia and Permanent Residency Immigration Information Session
Tuesday November 1, 2016 3-5pm | Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Theatre B
Are you an international student who wants to stay in Nova Scotia and eventually become a permanent resident? This is an information session on the Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) and will include sessions on pathways to nomination under the NSNP, quota and processing times, potential new programs and streams for international students and graduates, and more. For more information, please visit

Public Information Meeting – Young Avenue By-Law Amendments
Wednesday November 2, 2016 7pm | Citadel High School, Spatz Theatre
Case 20854 – There will be a public information meeting giving residents the opportunity to give feedback on the proposed changes to the Halifax Peninsular Land-Use By-law for Young Avenue to better protect the existing character and form of the street. Planning staff will be present to discuss the process and the proposed changes. For more information, please visit

Halifax Regional Council: First Meeting of New Council
Tuesday November 8, 2016 10am| Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
The first meeting of the new Halifax Regional Council will take place on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 10am. All meetings are open to the public and broadcast live on Eastlink TV. Agenda, reports and minutes can be found by visiting


Panel Discussion: Precarious U
Thursday, October 27, 2016 7-9pm | Saint Mary’s University, Sobey School of Business (Scotiabank Auditorium)
One-third of all Canadian university teachers are hired on part-time or short-term contracts. Join Karen Foster, Dalhousie University sociologist and author, Sylvia Fuller, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of British Columbia and David Robinson, Executive Director of the Canadian Association of University Teachers for a free panel discussion on what this means for the future of our universities.

Spur, a national festival of politics, art and ideas
Friday October 28 to Sunday November 3 | Various locations
Join today’s most provocative thinkers and scholars, artists and activists, journalists and entrepreneurs—from across the country and beyond—to share ideas worth spurring into action.  e common thread of the Spur festival is the value of a longform conversation. We are not afraid to ask big questions of our speakers and audiences. We also know that the answers to these questions are going to require collaboration across lines of partisan politics, ideology, medium, and geography.  Rather than being envisioned as a series of lectures, we conceptualize the festival as a “live-issue” of a magazine. We explore a a consistent theme via a weekend of debates, conversations, books readings, walking tours, literary cabaret, parties and more.  More info

Nova Voce: Nova Scotia Provincial Men’s Choir in Concert
Saturday, October 29, 2016 7pm | Bedford United Church, 1200 Bedford Highway
Join the Nova Scotia Provincial Men’s Choir for an evening of beautiful music. Tickets are $15 and available from choir members or online at

Christmas at the Forum
November 4-6, 2016 | Halifax Forum
This annual holiday tradition should not be missed! Affectionately known as “The Big One”, the show has a reputation for presenting the largest, most diverse selection of quality crafts and art, creating a joyous and festive atmosphere for the last 39 years. Christmas at the Forum features crafts from local artisans, food, art, antiques and lots of door prizes. The event runs Friday 10am-9pm, Saturday 10am-9pm, and Sunday 10am-5pm. For more information, visit
Hal-Con 2016

November 4-6, 2016 | World Trade and Convention Centre + Scotiabank Centre
Hal-Con is the largest sci-fi, fantasy, and gaming convention in Atlantic Canada, encompassing the full-spectrum of geekdom including comic books, science fiction, fantasy, gaming, cyberpunk, steampunk, renaissance, anime, and anything else of the fantastical. The gathering includes music, stage shows, small social gaming circles, and the chance to rub elbows with the famous and infamous of geek pop-culture. For more information, visit

I Remember: Halifax Camerata Singers
Saturday November 5, 2016 7:30pm | Saint Benedict Parish, 45 Radcliffe Dr.
Join the Halifax Camerata Singers and Symphony Nova Scotia for an evening dedicated to remembering those we’ve lost in conflict. Tickets are available at and more information is available by visiting

I Light Halifax Ride and Fundraiser
Saturday November 5, 2016 7-9pm | Halifax Cycling Coalition, 5553 Bloomfield St.
Join the Halifax Cycling Coalition for a 10km group ride through the Halifax peninsula to promote cycling safety ahead of the darker fall and winter months. Participants are encouraged to light up their bikes to raise awareness on the importance of installing bright bike lights to be seen at night. From November 1-30, the Cycling Coalition will give out 400 rechargeable lights to cyclists in need at various Light HFX Pop-Ups around Halifax. Look for the Halifax Cycling Coalition and MEC to be handing out lights and fixing bikes all across Halifax during the month of November. For more information on the Ride and to register, visit

Rogers Hometown Hockey
November 5-6, 2016 | Alderney Landing
Canada’s ultimate hockey festival is coming back to Halifax November 5-6, 2016. Every stop on the tour features two days of activities including music, NHL Alumni, local heroes, and entertainment for families to enjoy. Hosted live onsite by Ron MacLean and Tara Sloan, the festival is headlined by an NHL game every Sunday. For more information, visit

PechaKucha Night
Thursday November 10, 2016 7:45pm | Ralph M. Medjuck Building
PechKucha Night is a global, informal and fun gathering that brings creative people together for an evening of quick-fire show-and-tell presentations. Each presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds each, making for an evening jam-packed with information and fun. This event is themed in collaboration with the Halifax Cycling Coalition, and speakers will present many ideas on how to make Halifax a more walkable and bikeable place to live.  $1 from each admission will go to the PechaKucha Global Fund. For more information, visit

Remembrance Day Ceremonies
Friday November 11, 2016 | various locations around HRM
Remembrance Day is of particular significance to Halifax, which not only served an important role in both the Great Wars, but also currently stands as Canada’s largest Canadian Forces Base. The Remembrance Day parade and ceremony in downtown Halifax will begin at 11am at Grand Parade under the direction of the Royal Canadian Legion Zone 14. For a full list of Remembrance Day ceremonies taking place around HRM November 11th, visit

2017 Volunteer Award nominations now open
Do you know an amazing volunteer, individual or group making a difference in your community? Each year the Mayor and Regional Council recognize the extraordinary contributions of individuals and groups who volunteer their time and skills to provide services and programs in municipal communities. The 2017 Volunteer Award nominations are now open, so nominate an outstanding individual or group today! Nomination deadline is December 16, 2016. For more information, visit

Nova Scotia Tree for Boston Send-off
Wednesday November 16, 2016 11:30am | Grand Parade
Each year Nova Scotia sends the city of Boston a Christmas tree gift in recognition of the tremendous assistance we received from the state of Massachusetts following the Halifax Explosion on December 6th, 1917. This year Nova Scotia’s evergreen Christmas gift is a 47-foot white spruce from Inverness County, Cape Breton and the Mi’kmaq community will help celebrate its send-off. For more information on the send-off ceremony, visit

Meeting: MacDonald Bridge Cycling Access
There are two upcoming meetings about the proposed improvements to cycling access on both sides of the MacDonald Bridge:

Wednesday November 16, 2016 7-9pm | Italian Cultural Centre
Thursday November 17, 2016 2-4pm & 6-8pm | Alderney Landing
For more information, visit

Chronicle Herald Holiday Parade of Lights
Saturday November 19, 2016 6pm | Downtown Halifax
The 21st Annual Chronicle Herald Parade of Lights will take place the evening of Saturday, November 19th. The Parade is the perfect way to kick-off the holiday season, and features festive floats, marching bands, dancers, and a visit from Santa Claus himself! For more information and the parade route, visit

Halifax Cycling Coalition 9th Birthday Party and 4th Annual Halifax Bike Awards
Thursday November 24, 2016 6pm | Timber Lounge, Agricola Street

Halifax Christmas tree Lighting
Saturday November 26 2016 6-7pm | Grand Parade
What better way to get in the Christmas spirit than at the annual Halifax Christmas Tree lighting! This year’s festivities will feature music and entertainment, fireworks, lighting of the Christmas tree and a visit from Santa Claus. Feed Nova Scotia will be accepting non-perishable food or cash donations at the event. For more information visit

Meeting: South Park Street Bicycle Lane
Monday November 28, 2016 6:30-8:30pm | Halifax Central Library, Lindsay Children’s Room


Call my office
Call our office for assistance with your municipal issues. Contact my Constituency Coordinator Melody Campbell by phone 902-490-2012 or email or contact me directly. The best way to reach me is via email at my city email – or you can call my direct line at 902-490-8462.

311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days/week from 7 am to 11 pm to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit

Regional Council Reports and Agendas
If you want to read reports coming to Regional Council (posted mid-day Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting) or to check the agenda please go to:

Halifax and West Community Council Reports and Agendas
Community Council has now decided to meet on Tuesday evenings that alternate with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times.

District 7&8 Planning Advisory Council Reports and Agendas
The District 7&8 Planning Advisory Committee meets once a month to discuss and provide feedback to council on planning proposals for the two districts. Please check the webpage for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times: