Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
Update #4 – Recreation during school closure, Integrated Mobility, development symposium, more
Update #4 – Recreation during school closure, Integrated Mobility, development symposium, more

Update #4 – Recreation during school closure, Integrated Mobility, development symposium, more


Before we get to the newsletter, I wanted to share a brief update on Recreation services during the current shut down of public schools in Nova Scotia.  The following is an email from the Director of Parks and Recreation for HRM:

I am providing this update in light of yesterday’s announcement from the Province of Nova Scotia.

As you know, Province of Nova Scotia has decided to close schools to children but teachers will be required to report to work. Therefore, the schools will be staffed and HRSB has continued to indicate that they will honour their commitment under our Service Exchange Agreement to enable after hours and weekend bookings. Again, should you have any concerns regarding bookings, please direct them to our Manager of Administration, Rosalyn Smith (cc’d).

With children not in schools, there has been community interest expressed in potential use of the schools during the day for day camp ‎purposes. ‎ HRSB has advised HRM staff that the schools will be “work sites” and therefore expansion of the use of the schools, including those with a Joint Use Agreement, to permit bookings during daytime hours is not possible.

Recreation staff and several Community Boards have been working through the weekend exploring opportunities to provide day camp programming through HRM owned community centres. I am currently aware that efforts are under way at:

  • Porters Lake
  • East Preston
  • North Preston
  • Dartmouth North
  • Captain William Spry
  • Needham
  • Citadel
  • St. Mary’s Boat Club
  • Lakeside
  • St. Andrew’s
  • Chocolate Lake

Notice of these opportunities has been circulating through various means including Parent Teacher Association’s, social media, etc. Spaces are limited by the availability of qualified personnel to maintain legislated supervision ratios. Parents who are still trying to source child minding services can call their local community centre ‎to see if assistance is available.  As you can appreciate, this is a very sudden and fluid challenge; additional information regarding access to services will be provided as it is available.

In this newsletter:

Community meetings, hearings and notices
Here’s what’s included:

  • Snow Removal Program for seniors – applications now open
  • MacDonald Bridge Bikeway Connector Survey
  • Integrated Mobility Plan Workshops
  • Open House – Development Proposals within the Regional Centre

Community events
Here’s what’s included:

  • Halifax Bike Awards
  • ISANS Annual Open House
  • Halifax Explosion Annual Commemorative Service
  • Hydrostone Christmas Tree Lighting
  • Last Minute Christmas Craft Show

Help and more info

Community meetings, hearings and notices

Snow Removal Program for seniors – applications now open
The YMCA snow removal program is available to eligible seniors (65 years or older) and offers assistance to clear snow from steps and walkways. The 2016/17 Program is now accepting applications and is operated on a first-come, first-served basis. To find out more about eligibility, please visit or call the YCMA at 902-483-3678.

MacDonald Bridge Bikeway Connector Survey
The MacDonald Bridge Bikeway Connector Project will develop and assess the feasibility, land requirements, and cost of specific options that improve connections between the MacDonald Bridge bikeway and bicycle networks in Halifax and Dartmouth. Residents are invited to share their thoughts on the project by taking the online survey, available at

Integrated Mobility Plan Workshops
November 30 – December 7 | 12pm-2pm and 6pm-8pm
There are several workshops planned to give residents and stakeholders an opportunity to share their transportation priorities and help create an Integrated Mobility Plan with safe, affordable, and useable mobility options. At these workshops, residents will have the opportunity to voice their views on sustainable transportation, explore ways to achieve the Regional Plan transportation objectives, and develop key priorities in creating the Integrated Mobility Plan for the region. Workshops will be held from 12pm-2pm and 6pm-8pm on the following days:

  • Wednesday, November 30 at Dartmouth Sportsplex – Nantucket Room, 110 Wyse Road, Dartmouth
  • Thursday, December 1 at Italian-Canadian Cultural Centre – Auditorium, 2629 Agricola Street, Halifax
  • Wednesday, December 7 at Bedford-Hammonds Plains Community Centre – Arts & Crafts Room, 202 Innovation Drive, Bedford
  • Thursday, December 8 at Captain William Spry Centre – 16 Sussex Street, Halifax. (12 p.m. session at Meeting Room #2, 6 p.m. session in the Community Multipurpose Room)

If you are unable to attend a workshop, you can email feedback to . For more information, please visit

Open House: Development Proposals within the Regional Centre
CORRECTED: Wednesday, December 7, 2016 | Atlantica Hotel
12-2pm and 6-8pm
Join the HRM Planning and Development team at an open house to learn about 19 development proposals requesting new planning policy within the Regional Centre boundary. Residents are invited to drop-in at any time to learn more about the development proposals and related Centre Plan policy direction, and to provide any feedback. An overview of individual development proposals is available at

Community Events:

Halifax Cycling Coalition 9th Birthday Party and 4th Annual Halifax Bike Awards
Monday, December 5, 2016 6pm | Timber Lounge, Agricola Street

Do you have a favourite bicycle shop? Or know of a colleague who rides to work everyday? Vote for them in the 2016 Bike Awards! The Bike awards are an annual event that recognizes outstanding community leaders, businesses, bike heroes and groups that have had an impact this year in making Halifax a better place to ride a bicycle. Awards will be presented at HCC’s 9th Birthday Party on December 5th at 7pm at the Timber Lounge, 2712 Agricola Street.

ISANS Annual Open House
Monday, December 5, 2016 | ISANS, 6960 Mumford Rd., Halifax
Join ISANS for an afternoon of food, fun, and great conversation at their annual open house. All are welcome. To RSVP, please email

Halifax Explosion Annual Commemorative Service
December 6, 2016 | Fort Needham Memorial Park
The 99th annual commemorative service for the Halifax Explosion will take place on Sunday, December 6 at 8:45am at Ft Needham Memorial Park (at the Bell Tower).  For more information, please visit

Hydrostone Christmas Tree Lighting
Friday, December 7, 2016 | Hydrostone Park
Come celebrate this special community event, which will include free drinks, cookies and music. Santa will be on hand for a visit, and donations will be accepted in support of Veith House.  Wish list items include bus tickets, grocery store gift cards and non-perishable food items.

Last Minute Christmas Craft Show
Saturday December 10 and Sunday December 11, 2016 | Halifax Forum
Admission is free to the Last Minute Christmas Craft Show taking place at the Halifax Forum Saturday, December 12 from 11am-6pm and Sunday December 13 from 10am-5pm. A great opportunity to pick up some last minute local gifts!

Help and more info:

Call my office
Call our office for assistance with your municipal issues. Contact my Constituency Coordinator Melody Campbell by phone 902-490-2012 or email or contact me directly. The best way to reach me is via email at my city email – or you can call my direct line at 902-490-8462.

311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days/week from 7 am to 11 pm to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit

Regional Council Reports and Agendas
If you want to read reports coming to Regional Council (posted mid-day Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting) or to check the agenda please go to:

Halifax and West Community Council Reports and Agendas
Community Council has now decided to meet on Tuesday evenings that alternate with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times.

District 7&8 Planning Advisory Council Reports and Agendas
The District 7&8 Planning Advisory Committee meets once a month to discuss and provide feedback to council on planning proposals for the two districts. Please check the webpage for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times: