Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
Final District 7 Update – welcome Laura, thank you residents!
Final District 7 Update – welcome Laura, thank you residents!

Final District 7 Update – welcome Laura, thank you residents!

Please note – after I sent this update and then when I deleted my Mailchimp account all the links in past newsletters stopped working.  The links here on the website do work.  Sorry for any confusion.

Councillor Update


While election night was not the outcome I hoped for, the people of HRM have spoken.

Despite the results, while I may not be the next mayor, I am going to continue to work on behalf of the people of HRM in other capacities, just as I did before I ran for mayor, and before I ran for council.

I look forward to what my next adventure will bring!

Thank you all for your support and kind words, I appreciate everything everyone contributed to this campaign!  I am proud we went from 9% to 25% in the last 6 weeks and thank everyone for the work that made that happen.

Consolation prize, this is a really good Council. It could turn out to be the best most progressive and thoughtful council since amalgamation. I wish I was going to lead it, but I think they will do the right thing, no matter who is mayor!

And on that note, I am pleased to hand the district over to Laura White, the councillor-elect for District 7 Halifax South Downtown.

Picture taken outdoors on Vernon Street. Waye Mason stands next to Laura White.

Laura is thoughtful, smart, into evidence-based decision-making, cares about good policy leading to good outcomes, and has the education and work background to excel as our councillor.  I am very excited to see her grow into the position.

Based on my experience and participating in three council orientations and onboarding, you should expect Laura will be taking a bit to get up to speed, and I hope you cut her some slack!

During the transition, I’m handing over a letter listing a bunch of in-flight or recurring issues, about 200 names and phone numbers of areas schools admins, faith communities, community groups, and steering people to her website.

While she does not have a newsletter set up yet, please go to her website and sign up for her ‘latest news’.

As I’ve said before I cannot for privacy reasons hand over this list, so if you want to keep on top if D7 issues, you need to sign up on her site.  I know you do care, as this newsletter has a phenomenal 65% open rate!

I will be deleting this mailing list later today, so your privacy is assured.

It has been a joy and a privilege to represent District 7 for the last 12 years. 

And sure I have enjoyed the big things (Cogswell, North Park roundabouts, Argyle, Spring Garden, Commons Pool, permanent building on the Oval).

I enjoyed the small things so much more – replacing electric baseboards with heat pumps at Spencer House and saving that not-for-profit thousands of dollars a year, helping fund school improvements, especially signs and playgrounds, the time we got a new loading zone put up in front of the old Brewery Market at 2pm on a Friday in time for the market the next day after the old loading zone was blocked by the Alexanders construction.

Being able to help and be helpful and see real improvements has been so fulfilling.  I will miss it, but on to bigger and better things!

It will be some comfort to see all the many in-flight projects come in over the next few years, and I’ve never been much for ribbon cutting, the work is the reward.

It was hugely validating to see that the combined vote of the YIMBY thoughtful progressive candidates was arguably over 50% in the district in this election.

If you wish to get ahold of me for whatever reason, my personal email is

That’s it, period full stop!

Be kind, be patient, and take care,


Oh and PS: