Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
Website Update
Website Update

Website Update

I have been having a lot of fun learning the ins and outs of WordPress 3.0.  This new theme on Halifax Politics dot ca is amazing, most of what I love about it works automatically with WP 3.0 support.

I have also discovered a one stop shop for commenting and comment authentication called DISQUS.  Very very cool, threaded comments, spam filter, and tracks twitter and other traffic.

Because of how amazing DISQUS is, and how easy to use, I am ditching the messageboard, which was not really being used anyway, and only really existed to discuss the map.  Discussion is now going to happen on the comments on the map page, or each article.

My writers block is long gone, my biggest issue is having time to write everything that needs to get out of my brain.  I actually have 2-3 articles/blogs written right now, and queued up ready to go over the next week.  Because it is automated, I wanted tweets to go out automatically too.  I added WordTwit tonight, so this post should go automatically onto Twitter.  Test 1 2 3 did it work? (editor – no it did not.  Twitter is blocking it right now. Grrumph). (edit 2 – works with tiny.url not with, too bad!)

Changes are happening tonight, so until they are done, here is a picture of the cookies we just baked.