Hi folks, hope you had a great summer!
My twice yearly print newsletter is going to residents Tuesday next week, and in it I remind residents with school is starting and with students, both young and adult, returning to are streets and sidewalks that we all need to be a little more cautious when walking, biking and driving.
Please remember – every corner is a crosswalk, even if no lines are painted. Plan for a little extra time to get to work or school in September, and keep an eye out for folks in the road. Let’s keep our community safe.
The newsletter includes the annual open letter to new and returning post-secondary students. If you want to print a copy to share with your young neighbours, or wish to join the growing number of landlords who are attaching it to the lease for information you can download a 1-page printable PDF here.
I moved Participatory Budgeting to the fall this year so we had time to consider changes to the program. Changes have been made to encourage more small projects to be able to get funding, while making sure schools and others can still get funding for needed playground and park improvements. Big projects would be able to apply for $15,000, and a small project category would be created for projects needing $5,000 or less, and voters would three large and three small projects. This year $75,000 will be distributed via the PB vote, leaving $19,000 for small projects and unexpected projects that pop up mid-year, at the Councillor’s discretion. Info meeting is September 16th, more info below, and voting is November 4. For more info visit my website.
As part of the CN bridge rehabilitation on Marlborough Woods, Halifax Water will be installing a new water main on existing bridge. CN’s contractor – Harbour Construction will be installing new valves in the intersection of Beaufort/Bellevue/Marlborough Woods requiring a shutdown Tuesday September 3. A notice was delivered to effected residents this week, after work was moved due to weather concerns with Tropical Storm Erin. PLEASE NOTE: Harbour Construction has opted to complete this shutdown next Wednesday (they will expose the main Tuesday to reduce complications). Revised notices to the 4 homes will be delivered Monday morning. This past Thursday the contractor went door to door to notify residents who were home that the work was not to be completed that day.
There have been a lot of emails and calls from folks on Henry Street about paving wondering why the potholes have not yet been patched. Work on Henry is confirmed to take place in the next three weeks.
Finally – the Centre Plan Package A public hearing takes place September 17 and 18 (if required). I wrote about this in my last enewsletter, you can read that here. This is a huge proposed change to land use, which means a change to what is and not allowed to be developed, and where. There is a ton of info here, but I am always happy to meet or email and talk about any specific questions or concerns prior to this hearing.
Public Hearings and Important Meetings
Participatory Budgeting How to and Idea Swap
September 16, 6:30 – 7:30 pm | Halifax Central Library, Room 301.
Everyone is welcome to discuss priorities and ideas on how to improve District 7. Find out more about submitting a project. FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2192814170844796/ Website https://wayemason.ca/pb
Public Hearing | Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law (Centre Plan Package A)
Tuesday September 17, 2019, 6pm | Halifax City Hall 1841 Argyle Street
Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (RCSMPS) &Regional Centre Land Use By-law (RCLUB) (Package A) – Halifax Regional Council intends to consider, and if deemed advisable, adopt the Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy and Regional Centre Land Use By-law which will apply to the area shown on Map 1, otherwise known as “Package A”. https://www.halifax.ca/business/planning-development/public-hearings
Halifax and West Community Council
Thursday, September 19, 6:00 – 8:00pm | Halifax City Hall 1841 Argyle Street
Description:The meeting will be held in the Halifax Council Chamber, 3rd Floor, City Hall.
Agenda will be available online Friday before the meeting: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/agendas-meetings-reports?category=140
Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee
Monday, September 23, 4:30 – 6:30pm | Halifax City Hall 1841 Argyle Street
Monthly on the fourth Monday, until Nov 26, 2019
The meeting will be held in Halifax Hall, main floor City Hall. Agenda will be available online Friday before the meeting: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/agendas-meetings-reports?category=831
Community Events
2019 Mosaic Festival of Arts and Culture
Sunday Sept 1 | Salter Lot, Lower Water and Salter Streets
On September 1st, there will be a day-long series of performances of song, dance and more from around the globe! While you enjoy the show, you will have the opportunity to experience the abundance of different cultures found within Halifax through vendors selling food, clothing and more. It will be a journey around the world without leaving the Halifax waterfront! This festival is kids friendly, open to the general public and free for all.
Sunday September 1 8:00 to end of day | Halifax, Nova Scotia
Get your Shine on for Cystic Fibrosis! Shine Day is when students showcase their talents, energy and care for their community all over the city of Halifax to spread awareness for the most common fatal genetic disease affecting young Canadians. So, grab your guitars, bagpipes, dance moves, magic tricks, Rubik’s cube solves, mediocre mime routines, positive attitude and, anything else you can think of! We aim to OutRaise [fundraise], OutAdvocate and, OutShine all past years to create world without Cystic Fibrosis!Get your shine on for Shinerama!
Inspire Halifax: Creating Communities for All Ages and Abilities
Tuesday September 3, 5:00pm | Halifax Central Library – Paul O’Regan Hall
We would like to invite you to Inspire Halifax: Creating Communities for All Ages and Abilities, an evening of discussion on how to create communities that allow everyone from ages of 8 – 80 and beyond to live, work, recreate and socialize! Volunteer opportunities available – please reach out if interested.
The Dauphinee Centre Grand Opening
The Dauphinee Centre opening celebration and community open house scheduled for September 5th has been postponed to allow additional time for finishing touches on the facility. Saint Mary’s University will share the new date for the official opening as soon as possible. It will be worth the wait!
Halifax Colour Festival 2019 – 5th Annual
Saturday Sept 7 12:00 | Halifax Common · Halifax, Nova Scotia
Join us for our 5th annual “Halifax Colour Festival” Where we will play with colours and dance with music. This event is for open for everyone and All ages are welcome..!!..So bring your family & friends and “Spread Love and Joy” We are also going to have Face Painting, Ballon Artists, Bouncing Castles, Beverage Vendors and Games like “Tug of War” and “Beat the Beans”. Use your skills to be on winning side and take home prizes.
Nova Scotia Harbour Swim
Thursday September 12 11:30 | Halifax Harbour Waterfront
The Nova Scotia Government will officially launch its Fall 2019 United Way fundraising campaign during its Nova Scotia Harbour Swim event on September 12 at the Halifax Waterfront (rain date of September 13). This year, they have invited the Halifax Defence community to join in the fun! If you are interested, contact Mary Lou Burke: MaryLou.Burke@novascotia.ca or visit: https://raceroster.com/events/2019/23550/2019-nova-scotia-harbour-swim-for-the-united-way
All Candidates Debate on Women’s Rights and Gender Equity
Thursday September 12 6pm | Spatz Theatre, Ahern Street (Citadel High)
Come hear your Halifax federal candidates on the rights of Indigenous women, women’s economic security, violence against women, childcare, housing and homelessness, and more.
2019 Halifax Chinese Festival
Friday Sept 13 to Sunday Sept 51 Sep | Halifax Forum
The 2018 Chinese festival was a huge success and it leads to the second Chinese Festival of Nova Scotia – a vibrant celebration of Chinese arts, culture and traditions – will burst onto the Halifax scene September 13-15. The event will be a FREE- admission, three-day event at the Halifax Forum. It will feature a range of Chinese cultural presentations, performances and games, including traditional Chinese music – featuring renowned musicians from the local Chinese community – singing, dancing and calligraphy. There will also be an interactive showcase for people to better understand Chinese culture, including the making of clay figurines, sugar people and handcrafts, and tasty, authentic Chinese food from different regions of China, like dim sum. Food vendors and culture showcases are coming from local businesses and a couple of them are invited from China.
Cat Fest
Saturday Sept 14 and Sunday 15 | Museum of Natural History Summer Street
The Museum is pleased to present the fifth annual Cat Fest. This year’s addition will feature cat charities, exhibitors, vendors, panels, and live cats.
North By Night Market – Sept 14th
Saturday September 14 6pm | Gottingen at Falkland
Lets wrap up the summer in a big way with a Gottingen Streetwide Block Party, DJ’s, Food Trucks, Local Artisans, in-store pop-ups, specials…and all around good time! This will be the final Night Market of the summer – meet your local makers, enjoy some tasty eats & drinks or just dance the night away with DJ Fadzwa HFX! The Gottingen Uptown Festival will be rockin the G250 site (Next to Alterego’s at 2183 Gottignen) with a live performance stage, an open air makers market, food trucks and more.
Switch Halifax
Sunday September 15 12:00 | Agricola Street, Argyle Street, and Spring Garden Road
Switch Halifax is happening on Sunday, September 15th from noon to 4 p.m. on Agricola Street, Argyle Street, and Spring Garden Road. Join us for a wonderful afternoon of FREE fun for all ages – live music, art, demonstrations, activities, and more. All participation is welcome! If interested please contact info@pdcentre.ca Full schedule of performers and activities to come! Check back soon. See less
Community Consultation Event, Presbyterian Church of Saint David
Thursday, September 19 3:00 – 4:30 pm | The Presbyterian Church of Saint David, 1544 Grafton Street
Earlier this year, the Presbyterian Church of Saint David held a Community Consultation Event for discussions with various associations and organizations relating to the services offered to people who live, work and move through the downtown area of Halifax. In response to the conversation and suggestions from participants on February 12, particularly the suggestion that we host another Community Consultation Event, the Church invites the public to join them for a follow-up event.
K’jipuktuk- Halifax Sept Climate Action Week
Friday Sept 20 06:30 – Friday 27 Sep at 9:00pm | Halifax, Nova Scotia
PLEASE SHARE & SPREAD THE WORD! This September 20 -27, 2019 — The youth of Halifax would like you to join them, starting with a Die-in on Sept 20, at 4pm, climate related events throughout the week, and a GENERAL STRIKE – on Friday Sept 27. **THE YOUTH WANT YOUR HELP – THEY WANT YOU TO GET INVOLVED** Come together in downtown K’jipuktuk Halifax to let the powers that be know that we need real change NOW. The week will have a fun, festival like- atmosphere- with events planned daily – stay tuned for updates!
This date has been chosen by Greta Thunberg, Climate Strike Canada, Fridays For Future Canada, School Strike 4 Climate Halifax, 350 .org, Earth Strike International and many other climate movements, internationally. Halifax Youth Strikers want adults and EVERYONE to strike/join them all week Sept 20-27. They will be planning events, and as we get closer to the date, updates will be on their Instagram page, and updated on this event page. https://www.instagram.com/schoolstrike4climatehfx/ You can also email them at schoolstrike4climatehfx@gmail.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/357876695152184/
How can we help?
Call my office
Call our office for assistance with your municipal issues. Contact my Constituency Coordinator Melody Campbell by phone 902-490-2012 or email melody.campbell@halifax.ca or contact me directly. The best way to reach me is via email at my city email – waye.mason@halifax.ca or you can call my direct line at 902-490-8462.
311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days/week from 7 am to 11 pm to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit http://www.halifax.ca/311/
Regional Council Reports and Agendas
If you want to read reports coming to Regional Council (posted mid-day Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting) or to check the agenda please go to: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/regional-council
Halifax and West Community Council Reports and Agendas
Community Council meets on Tuesday evenings that alternate with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times. https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/community-councils/halifax-west-community-council
Peninsula Planning Advisory Council Reports and Agendas
Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee meets once a month to discuss and provide feedback to council on planning proposals for the three districts on the peninsula. Please check the webpage for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/boards-committees-commissions/h/halifax-peninsula-planning-advisory-committee