In this issue
My Council Update includes info on Ukraine, the Provincial Planning takeover, Robie Street Demolitions, recreation fee update and the end of my landline.
Public Meetings and Hearings has info on upcoming council meetings. Roadworks has a couple of new items and info about Cogswell and the Jubilee CN bridge. Community Events is starting to fill up with events but please do not hesitate to email me with your community event listings to include in this update!
Councillor Update
Hello all, I’d throw out a “spring is finally here line” but it snowed yesterday… so at least we have more sun, and hints of green in the grass.
Like many of you, I am very concerned about the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine. I am horrified by every aspect of this unwarranted aggression against Ukraine and worried about what this could mean for Canada and Halifax. Halifax is a military city and many of our friends and neighbours are serve in the Canadian Forces. I’m a navy brat myself so I can’t help but think about the kids and spouses worried about their parents going off on missions in Eastern Europe. As exhausted as we are after two years of COVID, we will all have to dig deep and support our community during this difficult time.
Research NS recently announced a program to support displaced Ukrainian students and researchers. Their hope is to reduce the disruption to their careers while they are in Nova Scotia, and equip the research community to welcome our Ukrainian colleagues. if you know of any newcomers who may fit, or organizations working to bring Ukrainian refugees to Nova Scotia, please reach out to Research NS, more info here and CBC story:
HRM recently voted to donate $50,000 to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. I expect we will be welcoming displaced people over the coming months, and I will let folks know how they can help as information comes to me.
In other news, you may have seen the recent announcement by the Province of Nova Scotia to create nine special planning areas in HRM. I do not support these measures. There are better ways for the Province to instruct HRM to meet timelines that protect the democratic process and ensure public engagement. Most of these special areas are already scheduled to land at Council for public hearings on the schedule the Province “announced”. The nine special planning areas they announced are within communities the municipality has already designated for growth through the regional planning process.
We all want to increase the supply of market, attainable, affordable and crisis housing options for residents. I don’t think any of these actions are needed, or the best way to achieve that goal. I could go on and on but Councillor Sam Austin did an excellent job of summing up the problems with this approach, so I’ll just say Sam nailed it, read his take here:
I’ve also been asked about the demolitions underway on Robie north of Bliss Street. While development staff have been in conversation with the owner of the Robie and Bliss properties there are no plans or applications to date.
What can be built on Robie is controlled by Regional Centre MPS and LUB, otherwise known as the Centre Plan. The new plan and land-use rules for this site were approved 2 years ago. I expect that like the rest of the Centre Plan area the owner would apply for a “by right” project which means it would be permitted if it meets the zoning currently in place. That does not require further public hearings or Council votes. If what is proposed meets the design guidelines a permit can be issued.
So what is allowed? The lots lining Robie are zoned Corridor or COR zone with an 11m height limit or 3 stories tall. There has to be a 6m yard between the back of their building and the property line of the houses facing Edward street. The lots facing Edward street are not zoned COR, they are zoned ER2 (what ER means is outlined:
The idea behind Centre Plan is that density is to increase alongside our wider roads with the best transit as the best way to accommodate our growing population, while also protecting the neighbourhoods that are inside those corridors (see the article above on ER zoning). Corridor has varying heights depending on each site. For Robie from Coburg to Jubilee has a height limit of 11 meters or 3 stories. From Jubilee to Shirley it is 20 meters or 5-6 stories.
The corridor designation allows a wide range of commercial uses on the ground floor, like restaurants, offices, retail, and personal services. What that can look like is outlined here.: What zones are in place now can be found on this interactive map-
The recreation fee change has caught some folks by surprise. On April 1, 2022, the Parks and Recreation fee structure will be changing. Some fees are increasing in cost while others are staying the same or decreasing. Fees have not increased since 2011. These changes will affect all recreation services programs, rentals, drop-ins, vouchers and membership fees for municipally-owned and operated facilities, and facilities operated by Nustadia Recreation Inc. on behalf of the municipality (RBC 4-pad and HRM 4-pad). See how these changes will affect you here:
I’ll share details once that information is available.
Finally, after returning to work at City Hall for the third time since COVID started I was faced with a dilemma. Do I really want to stop forwarding my landline to my cell phone, and go back to having two voice mails to check? After two years with very limited access to the landline, the answer is no. The only phone number I have going forward is my cell – 902-430-7822. The landline will stop forwarding to my cell shortly.
Thanks and stay safe,
Public Meetings, Hearings & Engagement
Halifax Regional Council – Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
If you want to read reports coming to Regional Council (posted mid-day Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting) or to check the agenda. Upcoming meetings:
- Tuesday, April 5, 10 am
- Tuesday, April 12, 10 am after Budget Committee
- Tuesday, April 26, 10 am after Budget Committee (if required)
- Tuesday, May 3, 10 am
Agendas here:
Budget Committee – Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
If you want to read reports coming to Budget (posted mid-day Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting) or to check the agenda. The public is encouraged to speak and have their say about the upcoming budget. Upcoming meetings:
- Tuesday, April 12, 10 am
- Tuesday, April 26, 10 am (if required)
Agendas here:
Halifax & West Community Council – Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
Community Council meets on Tuesday evenings that alternate with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations, and times.
- Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 6 pm
Agenda here –
Regional Centre Community Council – Harbour East Marine Drive Room, Alderney Landing
Community Council meets on Tuesday evenings that alternate with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations, and times.
- Wednesday, April 27, 6 pm (if required)
Agenda here –
Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Council
Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee meets once a month to discuss and provide feedback to Council on planning proposals for the three districts on the peninsula. Upcoming meetings:
- No meetings are scheduled at this time.
Please check the webpage for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations, and times:
Information about how to watch or participate in virtual meetings can be found on the agenda pages. Please confirm meeting dates and times on our website as dates and times are subject to change.
Public hearings
Public hearings are published 2-3 weeks before they take place. There are no public hearings posted at this time. A list of upcoming hearings can be found here:
Regional Plan Review
Residents are invited to participate in a review of Phase 3 of the Regional Plan that’s open for one month until Monday, April 18, 2022. The Regional Plan sets out a common vision, as well as principles and long-range, region-wide planning policies outlining where, when, and how future growth and development should take place between now and 2031.
There are several development requests being considered for Phase 3 of the Regional Plan. If you have comments or questions about them, let HRM know! To learn more about where development requests are being considered for Phase 3, please visit:
- Regional Plan Review’s Shape Your City web page:
- Requests for Site-Specific Amendments to the Regional Plan map:
- Phase 3 Site Specific Requests table:
Please submit any feedback or questions by email ( or phone (902.233.2501). For site-specific applications, please reference the case number.
Canada Games Centre Survey
Researchers are looking for HRM Residents to share your thoughts on the 2011 Canada Winter Games! They are looking for individuals aged 18 years and older who lived in Halifax during and since the 2011 Canada Winter Games to complete a 15-minute survey for a research project titled “Host community residents and long-term event outcomes: The role of trust, knowledge, and power in the public/government relationship.” Follow this link for more information, and to begin the survey, with an opportunity to win a $50 gift certificate: Please note that this study is being conducted independently from the municipality and the associated sport events. The deadline to complete the survey is April 4th.
Water Street Functional Plan
Water Street is among Halifax’s most prominent and historic streets. It plays a key role in the regional roadway network and acts as a focal point for civic events (e.g., Halifax Busker Festival), culture, and tourism. It is an important multimodal transportation corridor that serves multiple Halifax Transit bus routes, is a designated bicycle route, and serves as the primary northbound route for trucks departing the South End Container Terminal and moving through downtown Halifax. It had been designated as a bus corridor but could be used instead for a separated bike lane. HRM would love to hear from you – more info
For more information or questions regarding the Regional Plan Review, please contact Kate Greene, Regional Policy Program Manager, by phone (902.225.6217) or email (
Roadworks Update
The following street closures or sidewalk disruptions have recently been added to the RoadWorks map
- RAMP COGS-4A RAMP from RAMP COGS-BU RAMP to RAMP COGS-BU N/B RAMP (this is explained below)
You can find out road closure details on the HRM Roadworks map:
Cogswell Construction Project
This major construction project, one of the biggest HRM has ever undertaken, has begun! The ramp and lane closure noted above are the lane going up from Hollis to Barrington and the right side Hollis lane, seen here:
Safe pedestrian routes through the project will be provided for all phases of construction. All current pedestrian routes remain in place unless they need to be closed for construction. Closure or modification of pedestrian routes are announced through Public Service Announcements issued by the municipality. For up to the minute info please visit Cogswell District | Redevelopment Project | Halifax.
Detour Road #1, shown below, will have a separate Multi-Use path developed on its north side which will connect to the existing MUP further north. The final leg (between Upper Water Street and Hollis bike lane) is being worked on now. There are no easy or perfect routes through the site but some are better than others and quite possibly an improvement over what is there today.
Jubilee Road CN Bridge
CN and HRM are coordinating the rehabilitation of this bridge set to begin in the summer of this year (targeting July). While the start of construction is some time off, at this time CN is required to begin site preparation starting with the removal of trees at the site that is necessary to remove to begin construction. Tree removal is set to begin Monday of next week, and only the trees that need to be removed will be removed. The trees that will be removed are only on CN property and before we leave
Members of the public can reach out to CN directly on this project by contacting CN’s Public Inquiry Line at 1-888-888-5909 or at Prior to construction and the subsequent closure of the bridge, CN will be working with HRM to notify those residents who are in proximity to the site. That outreach would likely be in June of this year.
On this site, CN does not own the land on either side of the bridge that would be required to put a temporary bridge for cars or pedestrians. Councillor Cleary has asked staff and CN to try and find a pedestrian solution so folks can continue to get up and down the hill, but it looks unlikely. I’ll let you know what can be done as the project gets closer. Halifax has info on the project here:
Community Events and Info
Spencer House Seniors Community Centre
Monday to Friday | 5596 Morris Street
Spencer House is a community drop-in centre for the 50+ crowd. daily homemade lunches, social activities such as Bingo, music socials, exercise classes, trivia, card games, and karaoke, health and wellness programs, educational workshops of interest to older adults. The drop-in centre is open Monday to Friday, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. More info here
Free help with your income taxes
Started March 1 | Halifax Public Libraries
Halifax Public Libraries has shared that registration for free tax clinics with the Library opened on March 1. You can register for 2022 tax clinics by calling your local library branch or by visiting in-person. This year, tax clinics will be held via telephone with a volunteer from CRA’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. You may be eligible for help at a free tax clinic if you have a modest income and a simple tax situation. Learn more about whether you’re eligible, and register here:
Active Transportation Education and Promotion Grant
Deadline April 11
Halifax Regional Municipality is now accepting applications for the Active Transportation Education and Promotion Grant. Please see more information on the grant and the application form at the bottom of this page:
Camp Courage Indigenous
Applications Close April 13 | Online
Camp Courage is an eight-day camp that empowers young women to reach their potential through information, education and inspiration. The Camp is held every second year in early July in HRM. Please visit other areas of our website ( for lots of information on the Camp to help you decide if this is a good opportunity for you.
Stories and Mi’kmaq Legends with Leonard Paul
Sunday, April 24, 2022, 7:30-10:30 | St. Andrew’s United, Coburg
Join us for the 2nd concert in our 35th anniversary season, as Camerata presents Stories and Mi’kmaq Legends, celebrating the art of Truro visual artist Leonard Paul ( on Saturday/Sunday, March 12-13. A graduate of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and Acadia University, Leonard Paul is a painter specializing in high realism whose work is inspired by his ancestors and traditions; he is descended from a line of great Chiefs. His work has been awarded the Governor General’s Medal, and he’s received funding from the Canada Council for the Arts. Nova Scotia school choirs will join Camerata virtually for this performance when another new work by Laura Hawley will be premiered. The audience is invited to join the choir and Board for the anniversary cake following the Saturday evening concert.
Suellen Murray Educational Bursary
Deadline April 30
Suellen Murray loved the Halifax Public Gardens and walked through on her way to work in the Department of Health each day. It had particular meaning and joy for her during the three years after her diagnosis of a brain tumour. In 2014, Dr T.J. (Jock) and Janet Murray, Suellen’s parents, and her husband, Byron Rafuse, established a $1000 annual bursary to recognise her love of the Gardens and to encourage and support educational activities related to this very special space in our city. For more info:
District Capital Funding Grants
Applications close May 30 | Online
Residents and community non-profit groups in District 7 will be invited to apply for a District Capital Funding grant. There are two project streams – a big projects category that funds up to $10,000 and a small project category that will fund up to $5,000 or less. District Capital Funds are for permanent projects that provide publicly accessible benefits in the community and that provide widespread community benefit. Priority is given to projects that are intergenerational or focused on youth or seniors, and which work to address equity, inclusion, and systemic racism in our community. Projects must provide the broadest public benefit, and meet all HRM policies and guidelines. The deadline for submission is Monday, May 30, 2022, more info here:
How can we help?
311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days a week, Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents. More info here:
Call my office
Call my office for assistance with your municipal issues. Please try 311 first, and when you call have your 311 reference number ready. Victoria Palmeter is my new Constituency Coordinator. Victoria can be reached by email at or by phone at 902-490-2012.
Call or email me
I’m always available to help residents. Email is always better than a phone call, as I am often in meetings and much of the time I cannot answer the phone. If Victoria or 311 cannot assist you, please email me at or call 902.430.7822.