Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and community builder.
District 7 Update – new common pool, recent storms and climate change, homeless encampments, regional plan review, and more.
District 7 Update – new common pool, recent storms and climate change, homeless encampments, regional plan review, and more.

District 7 Update – new common pool, recent storms and climate change, homeless encampments, regional plan review, and more.

In this issue

My Council Update includes updates on the new common pool, recent storms and climate change, homeless encampments, insurance ombud service, legal help for survivors, south end terminal walk, CFL at SMU.  There is an update on the flood impacts and response.

Public Engagement includes the very important regional plan review which is underway now, and our upcoming summer schedule for meetings.  Roadworks continues to amaze with the amount of work going on.  Community Events & Information has gospel music, natal day, buskers fest, and more

Councillor Update

Hello all,

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well as we continue to recover from yet another crisis.

I just came from the official opening of the new Halifax Common Pool. I worry if I gush too mch I’ll look foolish, but it is a magical place and I am so proud to see a community resource like this get built on HRM. Talking to staff this morning it was clear we have a lot to learn about how the public will best use this space, and you can already see changes happening to scheduling (opening moved from 8am to 7am, for one), with more to come. I encourage you to visit this amazing new space.

As you probably know, I’ve been on the Green Municipal Fund Council for the last year and half.  This is a national board that oversees a $2 billion investment fund with the goal of making our communities green and climate change ready faster.  Because of this, I have been learning a lot more about the impacts and challenges of climate change.

The fires, the drought in southwest Nova, Hurricane Fiona, and the rain storms, all of this is attributable to or made worse by human-caused climate change. These are not one off or isolated incidents, we need to change and adapt to this reality.

These changes will be difficult for many.  From stopping construction in flood plains to green energy to coast protection to retreating from the ocean, it means Nova Scotians will need to change some of how we live our everyday lives.

Sure, rural Nova Scotians need to drive, and we all need to heat our homes, but there are still vast changes that need to happen inside of that reality.

We need to help move people to green vehicles, smaller trucks and cars, insulating homes, and moving off of heating oil.  We can’t keep building next to the ocean, and expect the governments to cover the cost when the next Fiona or flood happens.

We need to decarbonize the NS Power grid, and moving from coal to oil if that is actually approved would be a categoric failure

And these changes won’t be cheap, and government needs to step up and help those most in need adapt to this reality.

I could go on and on, but I’ll leave it there for now.  I will continue to work for change that responds to the current crisis while attempting to protect the most vulnerable from the costs.  I am sure though the cost of not acting is far higher than taking steps today.

I’ve got the latest information on flood response later in this email.  To keep up to date on current and future issues please sign up for the municipality’s mass notification system HFXAlert, follow @hfxgov on Facebook, @hfxgov on Twitter, or visit:

I’ve also had a great number of emails asking what is causing the increase is about 100-150 more homeless people in tents than 4-5 months ago.  I have some thoughts:

  • The province closed winter shelters in May but not opening the Bridge until mid-June, and it is still not being fully open. Sam Austin has written about this:
  • It’s caused by low funding of arm’s length agencies meaning pay is too low and staffing numbers are low so people feel underpaid and unsafe, so both the Overlook and the Bridge are having trouble staffing up, and cannot fully open.
  • It’s caused by the Department of Community Services having a rent subsidy frozen at under $600 a room for 10 years.
  • There is a focus on high-needs clients who need complex supports, which deprioritizes people with no needs but a place they can afford to live, which leaves those people exposed to all sorts of risks and pushes them on a downward spiral into mental & physical health problems, exposure to drugs, etc that moves them from easy to house too hard to house.
  • Homelessness is happening all over NS and people who are desperate move to Halifax for the support and jobs we offer.  As an example I talked to a fellow last summer who had just had a bad divorce, lost everything, spent his last $100 bucks to take the bus to Halifax, and was living in a tent, looking for work as a welder.
  • And finally, there is a small number of tourists in tents if you will.  We have a real housing problem and a real crisis causing locals to be in tents.  Summer in Halifax is lovely, a small number folks tenting around downtown are from Moncton, Montreal and parts west, and will leave when summer is over.

HRM is not blameless, as development approvals were slow in the past, and while there is arguably more supply now with Centre Plan and other programs, the interest rate spike has slowed market construction.

That said – the market will not build below-market housing, which is direly needed as the municipality grows, and we need the Province to step up and create a plan to build.  HRM will support that through policy and financially, but we don’t have the money to lead that kind of program.

All this is to say HRM is working on some things to reduce the number of people in Victoria Park and Grand Parade, but more designated tent sites and tiny home projects are not going to really solve this issue.  It’s bigger than that.

If you suffered damage from Hurricane Fiona last year and have not settled your claim with your insurance company, there is free, independent, and impartial help available from the General Insurance OmbudService (GIO). GIO is an independent body set up to help Canadians find a fair resolution to disputes with insurance providers. GIO can provide advice on dealing with your insurance company as a first step. If you are not satisfied with the decision from your provider on your claim, GIO can help resolve your claim.  Contact them here:  

The Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia has share a new resource that their legally trained professionals have developed on Legal Help for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. They have compiled this resource to support the community when navigating the legal and support systems. They hope this resource will empower survivors and service providers by equipping them with the information they need to make informed decisions.  Info here.

I’ve had a couple of inquiries about why the walk along the South End Terminal by Point Pleasant Park has been closed so frequently even when a ship is not in port. The terminal operator has been doing crane maintenance and actually poses a bigger risk than a vessel at berth because if a tool or part were to fall from that height, the outcome could potentially be very serious. The walkway will reopen when maintenance is complete.

An important note – the Regional Plan review is underway.  This is the document that says how HRM will grow for the next fifty or more years.  Public input is needed, and I encourage you to get involved.  Regional Plan info follows belew.

Tomorrow is Touchdown Atlantic at St Mary’s University. It’s been some time since we had a large-scale CFL or U-Sport (formerly CIAU) game at Husky Stadium.  We do have a history of such games at SMU, with 5-10K people there for Touchdown or Uteck Bowl.  Between Oland Stadium removal and COVID we are way out of practice for this kind of thing. I am confident SMU and the CFL folks have really put a lot of thought into their operations plan, and police and parking folks will be in the area.  If you are trapped in your driveway by a parked car (which is the most common issue) please call police non-emergency at 902-490-5020 and ask an officer be dispatched to ticket and then tow.

Finally, I happened by St Mary’s Basilica while the bells were being rung, and I captured a bit on video, shared below.  It’s beautiful and just the kind of thing we need to lift our hearts in these challenging times.

That’s all for now! Please be safe, be kind, be patient,



Orange background with a cartoon cloud with rain in blue on a white circle with the word Update under the cloud.

Municipal Flood Update

Municipal update on flood impacts – July 27, 12 p.m. 
The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents of the following updates and impacts to municipal services as a result of the storm system. The following information is current as of 12 p.m. on July 27.

Heavy rainfall can lead to localized flooding. Residents can register for automated notifications by signing up for hfxALERT, Subscribers to hfxALERT will receive timely alerts by phone, email, and/or text message. Standard text messaging rates apply.

Road Safety
Flash flooding has occurred in numerous areas of the municipality, with many roads washed out and impassable. Water is receding, but there are still flooded areas.
Motorcyclists and cyclists should use extra caution with debris on the road and should not drive on the shoulders of the road as many are compromised.
Residents can refer to this map which shows blocked roads and infrastructure damage.

Residents who cannot leave their properties due to road and culvert damage are encouraged to register at Registering will assist in identifying critical needs of residents so that the municipality can follow up with relevant resources. Residents can anticipate a follow-up email or phone call within 24 hours of registering, with subsequent phone calls as needed. If further assistance is required to complete the online registration, residents can contact 311.

Flooding is extensive, and crews are doing assessments of roads, buildings and infrastructure. Bridges will require structural assessment before they can be opened, and water levels must be at normal level in order to complete.
Operations staff are focusing on clearing roads and removing debris from the right-of-way to open roads to make them safe and allow emergency access. Inspection staff are actively assessing areas and determining damage, with 239 open service requests received to date, while 287 service requests have been closed.

The municipality is working with Halifax Water and the Province of Nova Scotia, along with other partners, to coordinate and prioritize necessary repairs to infrastructure.
Repairs will be extensive and will need to be prioritized. Priority areas will be completed first with other areas to follow. Some repairs will take several days or weeks. Additional information on repair scheduling will be provided once all assessments are completed.

Emergency flooding calls are to be directed to Halifax Water at 902.420.9287. Residents who notice damage to roads and infrastructure are asked to report it to 311 or email

The Halifax Water system is safe to drink. Residents can also refer to resources

Solid Waste
Starting Wednesday, July 26 and continuing until Friday, August 4, garbage set out limits will be increased from six to eight bags of garbage. Each bag of garbage may be substituted for one bundle of flood related debris. Normal collection requirements still apply, including bundle weight (up to 75 pounds) and size (less than 4 feet) limits, and the collection of one bulky item (e.g. couch), one privacy bag (with the remainder being clear bags) per garbage collectioncycle. For more information, visit our website.

Curbside collection is underway where roads are passable. Residents are reminded that collection services can begin as early as 7 a.m. To ensure collection, materials may be placed curbside the evening prior to collection day.

Weekly green cart collection is underway. Please separate food from packages and place any spoiled food in the green cart.

For excess food waste, public drop off bins are available to residents at the Ragged Lake Organics Facility (61 Evergreen Place) and Burnside Composting Facility (80 Gloria McCluskey Avenue) Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Residents are asked to separate food from containers. Please follow facility staff instructions. No glass is allowed.

Flood related demolition, construction and renovation debris (e.g., wood, drywall, carpet, etc.) can be taken to Halifax C&D Recycling (located at 16 Mills Drive, Goodwood and 188 Ross Road, Cole Harbour). Please note that fees apply. For hours of operation, visit:

Residents looking to self-haul garbage exceeding curbside limits may take their waste to the Otter Lake Waste Facility (600 Otter Lake Drive, Lakeside). Please note that tipping fees apply. See Otter Lake Waste Facility hours of operation.

Emergency and other government contacts

  • HRM Municipal Service and Information 311
  • To reach 311 from outside HRM – 1-800-835-6428 in NS, 902-490-4000 elsewhere
  • Emergency    911
  • HRM Police Non-Emergency    902-490-5020
  • Halifax Water 24 hour emergency service    902-420-9287
  • NS Department of Public Works (highways, roads)    1-844-696-7737
  • NS Road Updates 511
  • NS Department of Environment 1-800-565-1633
  • NS Department of Natural Resources and Renewables    1-800-565-2224

Provincial disaster assistance:

Public Meetings, Hearings & Engagement

Halifax Regional Council – Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
If you want to read reports coming to Regional Council (posted mid-day Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting) or to check the agenda. Upcoming meetings:

  • August 22 10am

Agendas here:

Halifax & West Community Council – Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
Community Council meets on Tuesday evenings alternating with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations, and times.

  • Wednesday, August 9, 6pm

Agenda here –

Regional Centre Community Council – Harbour East Marine Drive Room, Alderney Landing
Community Council meets on Tuesday evenings alternating with Regional Council. Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations, and times.

  • none scheduled until September

Agenda here –

Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee & Design Advisory Committee
The Nova Scotia government has suspended the meeting of planning advisory committees and most forms of public engagement in planning for three years, ending April 2025.

Information about how to watch or participate in virtual meetings can be found on the agenda pages. Please confirm meeting dates and times on our website as dates and times are subject to change.

Graphic reading Regional Plan Review

Regional Plan Review
To October 27, 2023 | Various Locations

The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to provide feedback on the Draft Regional Plan, both online and through in-person public engagement events. The public engagement period will run until October 27, 2023.

Feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report and used to refine key regional policy directions.

The Regional Plan sets out a common vision and long-range, region-wide planning policies outlining where, when and how future growth and development should take place. The Regional Plan was adopted in 2006 and is reviewed approximately every five years to ensure it is reflective of the municipality’s goals for growth and development.

The Draft Regional Plan is responding to the Halifax region’s population growth and need for housing, the need to act on climate and equity, as well as updating policies to reflect Priority Plans.

Residents may submit feedback at any time on the Draft Regional Plan, including any requests for site-specific amendments.

For a full schedule of public engagement events, visit: For any questions, contact 902.943.3248 or

Scheduled Pop-Ups:

Sunnyside Mall, 1595 Bedford Highway, Bedford
Wednesday, August 2, 2023, 10:30am-1:30pm

Horizon Community Centre, 168 Redoubt Way, Eastern Passage
Thursday, August 3, 2023, 2:00pm-5:00pm

Great East Dartmouth Community BBQ, 50 Caledonia Rd, Dartmouth
Saturday, August 12, 2023, 11:00am-1:00pm.

Halifax County Exhibition, 190 Exhibition Grounds Rd, Middle Musquodoboit
Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 10:00-2:00pm

Hubbards Farmers Market, 57 Highway 3, Hubbards
Saturday, August 26, 2023, 8:00am-12:00pm

Scheduled Planner Office Hours

Musquodoboit Harbour Library, 7900 Nova Scotia Trunk 7, Musquodoboit Harbour
Tuesday, August 8 and Wednesday August 9, 2023, 1:00pm-6:00pm

Sheet Harbour Library, 22756 Nova Scotia Trunk 7, Sheet Harbour
Thursday, August 17, 2023, 1:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday August 24, 2023, 1:00-6:00pm

Tantallon Library, 3646 Hammonds Plains Rd, Upper Tantallon
Tuesday, August 22 and Wednesday, August 23 2023, 1:00pm-6:00pm

Roadworks Update

Roadworks map showing construction on roads and sidewalks

A couple more projects added:

  • ARGYLE ST from DUKE ST to CARMICHAEL ST, starting on 2023-08-04
  • UPPER WATER ST from DUKE ST to COGSWELL ST, starting on 2023-08-01
  • BELL RD from AHERN AVE to SUMMER ST, starting on 2023-07-30
  • BRUNSWICK ST from CORNWALLIS ST to COGSWELL ST, starting on 2023-07-24
  • COGSWELL ST from ROBIE ST to NORTH PARK ST, starting on 2023-07-21
  • OXFORD ST from QUINPOOL RD to CHEBUCTO RD, starting on 2023-07-23
  • COGSWELL ST from NORTH PARK ST to ROBIE ST, starting on 2023-07-23
  • ROBIE ST from COGSWELL ST to CUNARD ST, starting on 2023-07-23
  • NORTH PARK ST from CUNARD ST to COGSWELL ST, starting on 2023-07-23
  • TROLLOPE ST from COGSWELL ST to BELL RD, starting on 2023-07-23
  • CUNARD ST from ROBIE ST to NORTH PARK ST, starting on 2023-07-23
  • SPRING GARDEN RD from SOUTH PARK ST to BRUNSWICK ST, starting on 2023-07-23
  • SOUTH PARK ST from SACKVILLE ST to SPRING GARDEN RD, starting on 2023-07-23 |
  • BELL RD from TROLLOPE ST to SACKVILLE ST, starting on 2023-07-3

You can find out road closure details on the HRM Roadworks map:

Cogswell Construction Project
This major construction project, one of the biggest HRM has ever undertaken, is well underway.  Construction will take three years.  More info can be found here:

Jubilee Road CN Bridge – Updated
Canadian National Railways (CN) and Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) are proceeding with bridge and roadway rehabilitation work on Jubilee Road in April 2023. The work will include rehabilitation of the arch bridge structure, full replacement of the roadway, railing, and sidewalks as well as work to the water and wastewater services. Construction is planned to last for seven months during which time no pedestrian or vehicular traffic will be permitted.

Updates will also be provided on HRMs webpage at If you have any tenants at this address, please forward a copy of this letter for their information.

Please contact CN at 1-888-888-5909 or at if you have any questions.

Community Events and Info

Celebrate Spiritual Heritage Through Music Gospel Concert
July 29, 2023 6:30pm | New Beginnings Ministries, 26 Cherry Brook Road, Cherry Brook
The Northern Star Music Society is pleased to announce the Celebrate Spiritual Heritage Through Music Gospel Concert on Saturday, July 29, 2023, at 6:30 pm at New Beginnings Ministries, 26 Cherry Brook Road, Cherry Brook, NS. It will include a renowned American Gospel Choir from Cleveland, Ohio and will premiere a local 40-voice gospel choir called the Northern Chorale.

Natal Day Celebrations 2023
Monday August 7 | Various Locations

The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to participate in the 126th Natal Day celebrations.

As part of the municipality’s programming, residents are invited to participate in the Halifax-Dartmouth Natal Day Parade on Monday, August 7. The Parade will begin at Novalea Drive in Halifax at 10 a.m. and will conclude at Maple Street in Dartmouth. Registration to participate in the Parade remains open until Friday, July 21. For more information, visit

In addition to the parade, residents can also participate in the following activities taking place throughout the municipality over the Natal Day weekend:

  • Natal Day Kickoff – The Crescendo Outdoor Fashion Show on Friday, August 4 at 7 p.m.
  • Crescendo Main Event Concert on Saturday, August 5 at 5 p.m.
  • Natal Day Harbour Fireworks on Saturday, August 5 at 10 p.m.
  • African Nova Scotian Music Association ‘Freedom Festival’ on Sunday, August 6 at 2 p.m.
  • Natal Day & Buskers Festival’s All-Star Showcase on Sunday, August 6 at 9 p.m.
  • Dartmouth Natal Day Road Race on Monday, August 7 at 8 a.m.
  • Lake Banook Natal Day Fireworks on Monday, August 7 at 9:30 p.m.
  • (NOTE: Prince Albert Road will be closed from 8:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m.)

The municipality is attentive to safety concerns related to fireworks and remains in consultation with Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency on this issue. The municipality would also like to reassure residents that there are measures in place to ensure the fireworks used at municipal events are used in a safe manner and in accordance with any relevant fire regulations.

As always, the status of fireworks for events is subject to change. Notification of changes will be shared via the municipality’s Civic Events’ Facebook page and Twitter channel.

For more information, visit

Halifax Busker Festival
August 2-7, 2023 | Various Locations in Downtown Halifax and Dartmouth

The Festival runs for six days over Nova Scotia’s Natal Day long weekend. With hundreds of shows over those six days, the Festival includes performances on multiple stages. Founded in 1986, the Busker Festival scours the globe for the best street performers and musicians to perform at the annual event.  From musicians and fire breathers to acrobats and magicians, the Busker Festival brings the best street performers in the world to the Halifax and Dartmouth waterfronts.  From the unique to the sublime, audience members will be taken on a ride of shock and awe, laughter and storytelling, fun and frivolity.  Don’t miss out on the mid-way and carnival rides, and enjoy our vendors offering food, clothing, jewellery and more. Whether you’re 8 or 88, there is something for everyone to enjoy at the Busker Festival.
More info here:

Halifax Lancers  Summer 2023 Public Programming
Various Dates and Locations
The Horses of Halifax love their home in our city and want to spend their summer with YOU!  As a non-profit, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience the benefits and joys of horses. Let the horses touch your heart through:

Musical Ride Performances:
Sunday, September 24
o   Hants County Exhibition, Windsor, Nova Scotia
Sunday, October 1 at 2:00 pm
o   Halifax Lancers Open House, Outdoor Paddock, 1690 Bell Road

Public Hands-on Workshops:  July 4 – August 3 (Book Online), Free Stable Tours:   June 5 – July 28, Downtown Horse Show:  Sunday, July 30, Outdoor Paddock, 1690 Bell Road
More info:

Free one-hour horticultural and historical tour of the Halifax Public Gardens, initiated by the Nova Scotia Horticultural Society in 1836, expanded to the present 16 acres in 1867. Explore the highlights of the only surviving Victorian Garden in North America, a National Historic Site. Scheduled tours: 10:30 am, noon, 1:30 pm and 3 pm. Register at The Friends of the Public Gardens Visitor Information Desk in Horticultural Hall. The tour begins in Juan Plaza, halfway between South Park and Summer Street on the Spring Garden Road side of the gardens. Tours by Reservation – contact: or visit the Visitor Information Desk. For more info visit

District Boundary Review final hearing
September 7, 2023, 6:30 pm | Offices of the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, 1601 Lower Water Street

On May 30, 2023, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB) gave notice that the public hearing and evening session for the municipality’s 2022 District Boundary Review application (Matter No. M10924), originally scheduled for May 31, 2022, had been postponed due to the local state of emergency in effect because of the wildfires affecting communities in the region. The NSUARB has rescheduled the public hearing session for Matter No. M10924 for the evening of September 7, 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m. The hearing will take place at Offices of the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, 1601 Lower Water Street, 3rd Floor, Halifax, NS. The deadline for speakers to register at the original hearing was May 10, 2023, therefore there will not be an opportunity for additional speakers to register to speak at the rescheduled hearing. The municipality’s website,, will be updated with the rescheduled hearing date and there will be social media posts to advise of the new date in consultation with the NSUARB. There will also be reminder social media posts one week before the rescheduled hearing on September 7, 2023.

Test Drive an Electric Vehicle
Various Locations

The municipality is partnering with Next Ride and the Clean Foundation to host 18 free electric vehicle test drive events in communities throughout the municipality between May and July, 2023. Our team will be on hand to answer questions and share information about electric vehicles, available rebates and what to expect from the municipality’s electric vehicle strategy. Secure your spot by registering for a free test drive event near you in advance. Limited walk-in spots will be available. Links to register will become available approximately two weeks before each event. To register, visit Next Ride’s webpage and scroll down to find our municipal test drive events as they become available. You can see the full list of event dates and locations by visiting .

Learn-to-row for girls, non-binary, BIPOC, newcomer, and queer youth
Register Now | Halifax Rowing Club at St Mary’s Boat Club

The Halifax Rowing Club has funding from ParticipACTION Canada to offer 8 youth free Learn-to-Row classes and a whole summer of rowing, free of charge, plus coverage of transportation costs (bus tickets). We are hoping to engage girls, non-binary, BIPOC, newcomer, and queer youth and would very much appreciate if you would spread the word! To register, go to:

HRM LakeWatchers
July 1 – August 31 | Lakes near you

Get involved in monitoring the quality of our local lakes! The municipality’s LakeWatchers program launched last year and is a great way to help keep our lakes safe and clean. The program will involve community teams to:

  • Conduct environmental monitoring in 76 lakes across the municipality.
  • Collect data, such as pH levels, to inform future actions to maintain/improve a lake’s health.
  • Share data with residents through future staff reports to Regional Council and through the municipality’s Open Data Portal (

You can get involved!  Data collection will take place twice yearly through a year through internal sampling (staff or contractors) and/or trained community teams, called LakeWatchers. The municipality will leverage existing water quality community groups and welcomes new volunteers to collect data in support of this program.  Interested in getting involved? Learn more:

Service Canada Supports Communities

Does someone in your community need help with Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), and more?  Are you or one of your community members a person with a disability or need extra support to get Service Canada benefits and services? Access support online at  Does someone in your community need a Social Insurance Number or confirmation of their SIN? Access help at

Great Nova Scotia Pick Me Up
Everywhere | Register today

Residents and groups looking to clean up litter in their communities can access programs supported by HRM Solid Waste Resources. Between the months of April to November, residents of Halifax can register with the Great Nova Scotia Pick Me Up (GNSPMU) by visiting their website ( GNSPMU is coordinated by Divert Nova Scotia and is supported in part by HRM. Upon registration, residents can pick up their free litter cleanup kit, which consists of litter bags and nitrile gloves, at their local Halifax Public Library or at one of the three Customer Service Centers located throughout HRM.

In addition to providing litter kits, HRM also provides three different disposal options for residents participating in the GNSPMU program. These disposal options include:

  1. Placing the materials curbside to be collected on your next garbage collection day if it does not exceed curbside bag limits.
  2. Taking the materials directly to the Otter Lake landfill for disposal. HRM will waive tipping fees for any groups or residents who are registered with the GNSPMU.
  3. Residents can also get the materials picked by HRM road operations. Residents who choose this disposal option must contact 311 two weeks prior to their litter clean-up date to help ensure that the materials are collected.

Residents and groups who are looking to complete litter cleanups during the winter months can contact directly to access litter kits and to arrange for pickup from their cleanup event.  If you have any additional questions about litter programs they can contact or visit

Housing Clinic
Monday and Thursday Mornings | Halifax Central Library, Spring Garden Road

Welcome Housing hosts Housing Clinics for those experiencing housing precarity every Monday and Thursday in June from 9-12 am, except on June 16

How can we help?

311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days a week, Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern to residents. More info here:

Call my office
Call my office for assistance with your municipal issues. Please try 311 first, and when you call the office have your 311 reference number ready. Vicki Palmeter is my Constituency Coordinator. Vicki can be reached by email at or by phone at 902-490-2012.

Call or email me
I’m always available to help residents. Email is always better than a phone call, as I am often in meetings and much of the time I cannot answer the phone. If Victoria or 311 cannot assist you, please email me at or call 902.430.7822.