Let your concerns be heard – email these decision makers:
Halifax Regional School Board:
Carole Olsen / Superintendent colsen@hrsb.ns.ca
Judy White / Senior Staff Advisor jwhite@hrsb.ns.ca
Gary O’Hara / Chair of the Elected Board hara@hrsb.ns.ca
Elected board
Debra Barlow dbarlow@hrsb.ns.ca
Kim Berkers kberkers@hrsb.ns.ca
Bridget Boutlier bboutlier@hrsb.ns.ca
Debra Brunt dbrunt@hrsb.ns.ca
Lynn MacGregor lmacgregor@hrsb.ns.ca
Wade Marshall wmarshall@hrsb.ns.ca
Beth Pye bpye@hrsb.ns.ca
Bernadette Reid breid@hrsb.ns.ca
Doug Sparks dsparks@hrsb.ns.ca
Gin Yee gyee@hrsb.ns.ca
Grace Walker gwalker@hrsb.ns.ca
Darren Watts dwatts@hrsb.ns.ca
NS Dept of Education:
Dennis Cochrane, Deputy Minister of Education cochrand@gov.ns.ca
Karen Casey, Minister of Education educmin@gov.ns.ca
Rodney MacDonald premier@gov.ns.ca