October through November is pretty busy for me. School starts September, but grading, meeting students, and then getting students in the field for Atlantic Film Festival, Halifax Pop Explosion and capping it with Nova Scotia Music Week consume a lot of time.
I have a number of half written blogs to blog on my blog but until end of this week I will be submerged in marking, so we shall see what gets out and up on line!
That said, hey, its my anniversary! Not of marrying my wife (though it is the third anniversary of finally making an honest man of me). Five years ago I started wayemason.com, which has morphed into wayemason.ca.
What was my profound first post? Well, on October 26 it was Test. Followed later that day by dasdasd.
I did start the site to teach myself wordpress, for both the citadelschools fight and for Halifax Pop Explosion, so political thought was not at the top of my mind.
By this time in November of 2005, I was starting to write about substantive stuff. I started a (now gone) page about the Vogue Theatre, Halifax’s last, lost hope for a cheap concert hall, and then about my enthusiasm for the start of the process that ultimately became HRM By Design.
For a while I was trying to write 500 words a week, and a couple of times I got published. I have written 70 “Opinion” pieces that I think are column worthy, and recently a number if “Investigation” pieces because I felt that a few phone calls would actually result in new facts on issues of the day.
Over 1000 people a month visit this site, for which I thank you. I will try and write some more substantive stuff in the coming days!