Strategic planner, educator, entrepreneur and former elected municipal councillor.
Crane Removal Update – Government of Nova Scotia – Wednesday October 23 2019 11:08am
Crane Removal Update – Government of Nova Scotia – Wednesday October 23 2019 11:08am

Crane Removal Update – Government of Nova Scotia – Wednesday October 23 2019 11:08am

Workers successfully removed the top section of the main tower of the fallen crane late yesterday.

This represents a major milestone in the project. With both the top and middle sections of the tower removed from the building over the past two days,  the evacuation order has been lifted by Halifax Fire and Emergency for residents in the northeast and northwest sides of the Trillium.

As work is still ongoing, it is recommended that residents stay off their balconies and the terraces for safety reasons, including the potential for falling debris. The common patio on the third floor is also off limits to residents until it is deemed safe.

The evacuation order remains in place for three units on South Park businesses. Further work must take place on the remaining sections of the crane as well as other risk mitigations before it is safe for those businesses to reopen.

We appreciate everyone’s patience. This has been a difficult time for everyone impacted by this incident.As stated in an earlier update, we expect it may take up to another eight working days to remove the rest of the crane, weather permitting and providing nothing unforeseen arises.

Further updates will be provided